"You were amazing today."

I accepted them and took the bouquet.

"You did very well against Astéria but it seemed she is in a completely different league than us."

I laughed:

"She is incredible, in fact. I gave it my all but still didn't manage to touch her once.

-No one would have done any better, don't worry. I am sure even our teachers would have had a hard time.

-They better! If someone beats her easily, my ego would be too wounded.

-I have no idea how you are still standing.

-Trust me, me neither. I think I lost a few bones.

-That's what I found on my way here!

-Please bring them back to me if you can."

We exchanged some formalities while laughing. The mood was very nice but Alastair soon left to let me change. This was very considerate of him. Everything went fine and I had to admit that he didn't irritate me at all during those few minutes. I put the flowers down and when I came back for them I was really surprised to see them withered. I frowned in front of this sight. Was it normal for flowers to wither this quickly? I shrugged and threw them out. I didn't want them the first time. It didn't change anything.

I heard another knock and I thought it was Alastair who forgot something but when the door opened, I saw Astéria behind it. I raised my eyebrows before smiling:

"Are you looking for something?"

She shook her head.

"Anyway, I would like to congratulate you once again. You are indeed the strongest person in the whole school."

While I said this I suddenly realized something: I had been so caught up in my training and my wanting to win that I completely forgot about the book. Astéria didn't act all shy and fragile at all but I thought maybe that was just the first book being evasif. However, one thing was for sure, she didn't participate in the sparring tournament at all and most of all she didn't win it. What changed? Poehina didn't participate either but I doubted it would have been because of me. Was it to impress Alastair? I didn't understand anything but knew Astéria was very smart and was sure this was part of her plan. It wasn't my problem and I shouldn't ask about something that didn't concern me so I just smiled.

"You were truly incredible.

-You were way better."

I smiled:

"But you still beat me."

Astéria pinched her lips:

"Are you mad?

-Me? Of course not! We gave it our all and I wasn't good enough. That's life. I'll be honest, my ego did suffer a bit but I am honestly happy for you."

She slowly nodded.

"Were you scared that I was mad?


My heart melted. She was way too cute. This was completely different from the way she fought or the way she stared at people during the ball.

"That's really nice, thank you. But don't worry I really don't care. I wouldn't get mad over such things."

Astéria nodded happily and I could see how relieved she was. Her acting was amazing. I completely believed she had been scared. But why was she so nice to me? Did she need me in her plans? Did she think that I loved Alastair? I had to tell her now that she didn't need to pay any attention to me. Maybe I went too far with my speech before the tournament saying that I would beat her next time.

"I am sure you impressed everyone today and Alastair even told me how amazing you were. I think he really likes you."

I smiled to prove her that I didn't mind but for some reason Astéria frowned:

"Why are you telling me this?"

I opted for being honest. I couldn't have Astéria be wary of me:

"Don't you like him? I think you have your chances.


I tilted my head.


-I don't like him."

I frowned. Wasn't her whole plan built on Alastair being in love with her? What changed?

"You don't have to lie to me. Alastair is only my fiancé on paper. I don't plan on marrying him at all.

-Me neither."

Did her plans really change? As if Astéria felt my puzzlement, she said:

"I didn't want to impress him.

-Oh, okay then."

She pinched her lips and left.

[GL] I tamed the female leadWhere stories live. Discover now