Ophelia then puts her thumbs in her shorts and pushes them down, stepping out of them when they fall on the floor. Austin stares at her then she watches as his lips parts slightly. "It's... it's shaven" he says so softly she almost didn't hear him. He drops to his knees and inspects her. "It's so pretty. It's so smooth and tucked away like it holds all the secrets of the world," he says then leans in closer. "What is the meaning of life?" he whispers then turns his ear to it and nods. Then looks up at her, placing his hands on her hips. "She is a clever lady," he says. Ophelia would giggle but he is touching her and she can think of nothing else. He looks down again, "I will be back for you, I am saving you for last," he whispers. Then he pushes gently so she turns around. "Holy fuckballs, your ass is perfection," he whispers and then grabs her ass softly and kneads it then drags his hands down the back of her thighs and then over to the front of her thighs, and rubs his face in her ass cheeks then trails kisses over them. He drags his hands up to her hips and turns her back around slowly. Ophelia licks her lips, they are slightly salty - him, she has him on her lips. He then touches her with his fingertips, she whimpers and feels her vigana walls flex again. "Hello, little lady, I know you have been treated poorly and have had to endure that nasty ass man. But, I am here now and soon you and I will be best friends," he whispers then licks his lips and pressed them to her softly. Ophelia groans, she is desperate to push her hips forward but she forces herself to stay still, she can feel his wet lips on her. Then he pulls back. "I will be back for you," he whispers then stands up, wrapping Ophelia in his arms. "You are wet," he says then kisses her. Ophelia's body is vibrating and she feels like she is going to explode, she can feel him hard and heavy on her hip bone. He steps back too soon, she wants to reach out and pull him back.

"You got a pool, right?" he asks. Ophelia nods, she can't quite find her voice. Her body is still shaking. Austin turns and walks into the bathroom then comes out with two towels. "We need cold water, a lot of cold water," he says taking her hand and pulling her behind him as he speed walks out to the pool. He drops the towels and lets go of her hand then without stopping or slowing down he jumps into the pool. He comes up with a "Fuck! That's cold!" and flicks his head to get rid of the water. "Get in, baby! You need it or you will have a rough night!" he shouts as he starts doing backstroke in the pool. Ophelia gets in and stands on the top step - it's freezing and now her body is shaking for a different reason. She watches him dip under the water and then pop up in front of her, grabs her hands, and pulls her into the freezing water as she screams. She gets a mouth full of water and comes up splattering while he comes up laughing. Once she rights herself she can't help the laugh that bubbles out of her. Austin grabs her again but she fights back as they both go under the water and then pop back up laughing. "Are you two skinny dipping? I want in on that!" Diamond says from the side of the pool as she starts undressing. Ophelia had forgotten that she had offered her home to them as they left the nightclub. She squeaks and then hides behind a still-laughing Austin. Diamond dives in and then pops her head up gasping for breath near them. "Shit! That's cold! I am sober again...well this just sucks," she says then laughs and splashes Austin who splashes her back, still laughing. "Oh, this is so cold. Austin, can you help me in please," Ruby says from the stairs. "Just jump in, Ruby," he says then reaches behind him and touches Ophelia. Is he making sure she is ok? He is sweet. "I can't. Please just help me," she complains. Diamond rolls her eyes and splashes her. "There, you are wet. We all know what you are trying to do and it's pathetic, save us the dramatics," she says and then starts doing backstroke past them, her fake boobs floating above the water. "Well, you'll never drown," Austin laughs. "That's what I told my father when I got them...he didn't appreciate my thought process!" she shouts back at him.

Then Ophelia sees Ruby's hand curl around Austin's arm. "Ooh it's so cold, I could do with a cuddle," she says from the other side of Austin. She can't see what's happening over Austin's big body and Ophelia shouldn't, Austin is not her real boyfriend, but that possessiveness flares up in her again and she grabs Ruby's hand and pulls it off him. "Please don't touch my boyfriend like that, especially when we are all naked," she says. "Ooh, my lady has spoken" Austin chuckles then turns and pushes her up against the pool wall. "Your stern voice is hot. I like it," he says and kisses her, hard. They pull apart when they hear more splashes and turn to see the rest of Austin's friends strip and jump in. "Oh, I am not comfortable with this. I don't want them to see me, please," she says. "We can get out, baby, no problem, or I can take you to that dark corner over there and hide you with my body. You choose," he says softly. "Hmmm," she says trying to think. "I won't be mad," he says. She wants to get out but she also knows she has to try and be more social. "Corner of the pool please," she whispers. Austin moves her to the corner, making sure to keep her body out of view then he puts her on the little corner step and turns around. She wraps her legs and arms around him then rests her chin on his shoulder. She watches how everyone splashes about and laughs as they mess around in the water. It looks like great fun. "You can join them if you like," she whispers. Austin turns his head and kisses her cheek. "I am fine right here, with you, baby," he says. She giggles and kisses him in her spot sending a shiver down his spine.

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