Peter is a top for this

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Peter is a top
Harley is a switch but mainly a bottom

nobody believes that he's telling the truth when he says peter is the top

he was very surprised when Peter showed Harley that he's top

that time was Harley and Peter's first he literally had no practice and admitted it the next morning to Harley

Harley couldn't walk for a week

so when Harley walks in extremely tired and Peter greats him energetically

Harley just says fuck you (not in a angry I hate you but a I'm literally so tired and you look like you could run a marathon angry)

Peter knows he's tired and because everyone thinks he's an innocent bean he says why do you look so tired

Harley just glares and shuri walks in and says Peter sure did make sure people know your taken

shuri knows what peters like but forgot that the others don't know

what does that mean says Steve

just ask Friday she'll tell you shuri says realising she can create trouble

okay Friday what did shuri mean Steve asks innocently

it seems Peter has once again fucked Harley Friday announces (she was reprogramed to speak like that)

WHAT tony said choking on his coffee

wait does that mean peters a top Clint says

YES that's what I've been saying the whole time I've known him Harley says


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