MJ and Ned quickly tried to get close to Morgan, lying on the ground, until they felt the Statue's shield start to fall. The floor started falling through, making them panic.

MJ saw Morgan start to slide toward the edge of the Statue, making her grab her wrist before catching a pole. Suddenly the floor under her was gone, and she only held a pole to prevent her fall. Before MJ knew it, she was dangling hundreds of feet in the air, holding on to a pole with her best friend in the other.

"Morgan, wake up, please," MJ begged, feeling her hand sweaty. She wouldn't let go or allow herself to let her best friend fall.

MJ turned to see Ned holding on to the same pole. They made eye contact and looked down at Morgan, who was still unconscious.

"Ned, I can't hold on," MJ struggled, feeling her pinky finger start to slip on the pole.

Debree started falling on top of them, making it harder for both teenagers to hold on.

"Hold on, don't–"

Ned got cut off when he heard MJ scream, and that's when he saw Morgan fall down the Statue of Liberty with her eyes closed and her body limp.

Ned watched Peter free fall down head first towards Morgan. He closed his eyes, hoping Peter would catch her in time.

Peter had tunnel vision seeing Morgan fall down the Statue. He knew he had to save her–not only because Peter cared about her, but because he owed it to Tony to ensure no harm came her way. Peter wouldn't allow himself to lose her, mainly because he didn't have the strength to handle it. He reached for his hand to shoot a web at her but was slammed by the Green Goblin's glider.

Morgan was then free-falling from the Statue of Liberty with no one chasing after her.

Peter Three couldn't allow this to happen. He knew the pain–and did not want Peter to go through the same thing. He jumped off to catch Morgan mid-way down the Statue.

Peter Three held Morgan's head close to him, preventing another head injury.

They landed on the ground safely, but Peter Three laid Morgan on the ground, carefully seeing her still with her eyes closed. His heart started to rise, "Morgan? Hey, open your eyes, please."

He leaned his head towards her chest without coming in contact. Peter Three tried to hear a heartbeat but was too anxious from seeing her in this condition.

"C'mon, open your eyes. Don't leave Peter; he still needs you," he said, seeing her eyes still closed. "Morgan?" Peter Three tried again, still holding her head carefully in his hands.

Peter Three quickly checked her pulse and took a substantial deep relief feeling a vibration in return. Though he knew there was a pulse, he needed her confirmation that she was okay.

"Gwe–"he cut himself off, realizing the name he had almost said. The last time he was in this position was when he was holding Gwen in his hands. Peter Three closed his eyes, unable to look at Morgan, knowing he would have a panic attack if he kept looking at her.


Peter Three opened his eyes to see Morgan blinking and her hand immediately to her head.

"I'm so stupid for letting a beam knock me out," Morgan tried to joke while Peter Three helped her sit up.

Peter Three stared at her, his heart full, knowing she was okay. "Are you okay?" he asked, scanning her face again.

Morgan watched his facial expressions and knew something had happened in his past for him to be emotional over saving her. Not wanting to push or wanting him to worry, she nodded with a weak smile.

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