Chapter 6: Korriban

Start from the beginning

"Who are Kissai and-"

"I will cut off your arm if you ask another question that I barely know the answer to." Kleptos threatened. He continued. "This valley would not be inhabited by Sith until the former Jedi Knight Revan entered the valley with his apprentice Darth Malak with their own Imperial host. Reestablishing the Sith Academy at the valley's back wall, the Sith began churning out Sith to fight in Revan's war with the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. When Revan was captured and redeemed by the Jedi, he was dispatched to Korriban in the guise of a Sith apprentice and infiltrated the academy in order to gain access to the tombs. Retrieving artifacts such as Ajunta Pall's blade and the holocron of Tulak Hord, Revan escaped the valley undetected. He was a traitor to us but he is long dead now."

Kleptos smirked as he got to the part that he knew the best. "As the New Sith Empire and the Republic battled ceaselessly for generations, the Sith remained separated from their origin world. Under the leadership of Sith Lord Skere Kaan and his reorganized Brotherhood of Darkness, the Sith took back Korriban in a stunning victory which left all Jedi and Republic soldiers on the battlefield dead. They found the valley desolate, having been largely ignored by generations of Sith; dark siders during the New Sith Wars seldom if ever visited the site as centuries of looting and conflict had largely destroyed anything of value. Under Kaan's leadership and the works of Lords Qordis and Kopecz, Korriban was reinvigorated and the academy reopened in a new building. Many attended this academy and we devoted ourselves to fighting in the war and bringing the sith to victory."

"As the Sith flocked to Korriban and sent hundreds through the academy system, the valley remained largely abandoned, as the Masters believed it to be empty of all relics or secrets that could aid in the war effort. Nonetheless, Bane had defied his masters and came here to learn the secrets of the sith. I do not know what he learned but something did happen to him. But, as you know, the darkside energy in this valley doesnt exist anymore." Kleptos said. "That is all I know."

Serran felt both satisfied by all of the knowledge he had gained and dissatisfied that that was all he gained. "Kleptos, teach me the ways of the Sith. Make me stronger." Serran demanded.

"Why do you want to become stronger?" He asked the young sith.

Serran remembered the battle between him and Meera. She had been so much stronger than him. His defeat was embarrassing. "There's someone that I need to kill. She's grown much stronger than me in such a short time."

"A jedi?" Kleptos asked.

"Yeah, a jedi." Serran responded.

Kleptos nodded his head. "I accept. Your training starts now."

Serran smiled. "Give me your lightsaber." Kleptos demanded.

"What?" Serran asked, confused to why his new master needed his lightsaber. He handed it over anyway as a sign of respect.

Kleptos grabbed onto the lightsaber and ignited the red blade. He examined it for a few moments. "You bled the kyber crystal recently didn't you?" He asked.

"Yes, I did. I bled it a few days ago." Serran said confidently.

Kleptos extinguished the blade. "You did an awful job bleeding the crystal. You rushed it and didn't focus on the bleeding properly." Kleptos insulted.

"How can you tell?" Serran asked.

"The blade is slightly flickering, the glow it emits isn't red enough, the darkside energy in the crystal is weak and the crystal is trying to heal itself. You failed miserably. You need a new lightsaber." Kleptos explained harshly without sugar coating anything.

"You don't have to be so kriffing harsh." Serran groaned. How did I manage to screw it up so badly?

"Your first part of being my apprentice is to make a new lightsaber. Don't come back here until you've gotten a new lightsaber and bled the crystal properly." Kleptos said as he got up and crushed Serran's lightsaber.

Serran then got up and left the temple. He went into Gossec's starship and input coordinates. The quickest way to make a new lightsaber was to go to Ilum. Almost all of the jedi younglings would go to Ilum to aquire their very own kyber crystal. This would be his first time going to Ilum since he had a mephite kyber crystal.

Farewell, Gossec. It was a pleasure meeting you.

Authors Note: There will not be a chapter posted next week due to personal reasons. See you all in two weeks!

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