| Leap of Faith |

Start from the beginning

When his orbs opened, he saw the girl swinging like it was nothing. He was even more in awe than before. Her body flowed beautifully onto the next trapeze bar in her path. It seemed like she was flying. No, floating. Her white hands caught onto the prop and she lifted herself in a final position, bringing a single limb outstretched toward the house. The crowd cheered theatrically as her body was tangled gracefully in the metal staff that swung slightly, clearly breathing heavily in exhaustion yet shining a bright smile.

Leo felt stupid for doubting her. He also felt a pang of jealousy. How did she look so shaky on that platform and then perfectly execute her part of the performance? She pushed away her anxious feelings and carried a stunning show. Leonardo craved that. He wanted to go out into the battlefield and perfectly defeat an enemy on the encounter. He wanted to have a flawless mystic ability like his two brothers with their weapons. Leo was yet to have that type of confidence but he just saw this new young yokai do something he always wanted.

And that is what made him attracted to you.


"Man, what a show! I'm so gonna brag to Raph and Donnie about this! They are gonna regret not joining us!" Michelangelo laughs menacingly as he walked out of the circus tent with his older brother.

Leo chuckles, rubbing the box turtle's head roughly, "Right, I'm not so sure they're gonna be so impressed, Miguel." His brother squirms under his arms and pushed himself out of his embrace, groaning.

"And why is that, Leon? Was tonight's show not impressive enough for you?" Mikey scoffs. Leo rolls his eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, dude. I loved it too, I just don't think it's impressive enough to brag about it."

He was wrong. Leonardo was so wrong.

He knew damn well you were the star of the show. On his way out earlier, a crowd was formed around you, congratulating you and asking for signatures on random objects and pictures like you were a well-known celebrity. He could tell you looked tense around those people. Leo himself wanted a photo.

But he wasn't going to admit that. His ego wouldn't allow him to.

The two turtles stood in line for more popcorn Mikey insisted on bringing home for his father and brothers. "Well, I don't care what you think," the young Hamato spoke up, "that was the best show by far in my opinion!"

Leo stayed silent. It was the best show he had seen. He would do anything to rewatch your performance a million times if he could. Like the jukebox machine back home in their arcade that played the same songs over and over again until they got sick of it. But the brothers would always come back to it, feeling a bit of nostalgia anytime they heard the songs anywhere else other than the jukebox. Leo wanted to chase that nostalgia. He wanted to feel the way he felt in that moment with you.

You had no idea how you had struck Leo's heart.

Whipping his head around, you were still surrounded by many people near the entrance of the tent. Leo eyed you and examined your every move. He would notice the small details in your expressions when asked for a photo. You bent down to a child and he saw your face soften when talking to small yokai. This image made Leo flush and quickly turn back around to the popcorn cart.

He tried his best not to notice his younger brother next to him, feeling like the scent of his embarrassment could be smelled by him.

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