The Awakening

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The cracks spread like wildfire. New cracks kept on emerging, all stemming for the spot the hammer had hit the egg. Autumn glanced at Yaela to see she was looking as confused as Autumn felt. The only difference was that Yaela was smiling slightly, in her confusion. The egg made an earsplitting screech then stopped; as though catching its breath. Then, to Autumns astonishment a bright golden claw pushed through the splintered surface of the golden egg. The claw moved around a little, shoving the surrounding egg apart. Then, slowly, the claw gripped the edge and appeared to haul itself out of the egg, little by little. First the claw, then a leg and finally a small golden head.

Autumn was amazed. The dragon was small yet noble and, although it was only the size of a kitten, gave off an aura of pride and dignity. While Autumn admired the beast it continued to crawl out off the egg, revealing leathery wings and a small, spiked tail. Both Autumn and Yaela stared in absolute awe. As the Dragon burst from its shell Autumn felt as though a barrier had been lifted. Her mind felt open and free. It was as though a void had opened up around her mind. The only thing she could tell from the void was that something was hungry.

The dragon ignored them and, with light reflecting off its iridescent scales, proceeded in licking the small egg membrane which was stuck to its scales. While it was distracted, Autumn took the opportunity to take a closer look at the creature. He had incredible golden scales and sharp talons. But what intrigued her most were his eyes. They were an incredibly bright grass green.

The dragon twisted around, trying to get the last piece of shell off its back.

Feeling suddenly brave Autumn reached in and plucked the shell from the dragon's back. Or that's what she would have done; if it wasn't for the freezing sensation which shot up her arm. She felt as though her blood was turning to ice. The pain was unbearable. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was the dragon, curled up protectively on her chest.

When Autumn finally awoke she was in an unfamiliar place. She was surrounded by trees which were gently swaying from side-to-side in the light breeze she felt on her cheek. The dragon was sat on her stomach, magnificent as ever. Nervously Autumn leaned forward and touched the dragons wing, anticipating the pain again. It didn't come. The wing felt like paper. It was rough and thin.

Autumn jumped in fright as she heard a strange humming noise. She quickly realized it was the dragon humming.

My dragon. She thought to herself. Autumn slowly stood up, carefully moving the dragon on to the grass beside her. It was very heavy, she thought to herself.

"I see you are awake" said a voice behind her. Autumn whirled around to see Yaela, casually leaning against a large oak tree.

"You know, your Dragon is very special."

"Why?" Asked Autumn, curiosity evident in her voice.

"He hatched very early. I believe that When he heard the hammer from inside the egg he assumed his rider was in trouble and wanted to help."

"Oh. Will he be different from the other dragons?"

"He will be smaller and will grow slower but I don't think there will be any other diffrences. Also, you need to name him."

Autumn was very nervous when she said this. After all, how could she pick a name that would show how noble this creature was.

As she thought this the void returned, a vast emptiness around her mind. She could feel some kind of consciousness. Autumn reached out to the consciousness. She fell back onto the grass as her mind was assaulted by images of herself, the Dragon, Yaela and a large, green Dragon. Autumn soon realised that it was the Dragon she was communicating with. She tried to impress the idea of a name on the Dragon. The reply was an image of the Dragon soaring through the sky, alone.

"Umm... How about... Ohen?" Disapproval emanated from the Dragon.

"Fundor? Briam? Beroan?" Autumn said a few more names. Each time the Dragon sent her the image of him flying alone. A realisation hit Autumn.

"You wanted a unique name?" Autumn thought for a long time, searching her past, heritage and personality. Eventually she decided on one name.

"Pharaoh?" She said, smiling slightly.

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