Harder Than Diamond

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As the hammer crashed against the egg and metallic 'Ding' echoed through the village. Autumn practically had the cover her ears as the noise was so high pitched. When the sound finally subsided Autumn looked up to see her father, stooped over the egg, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Autumn peered over, anxious to see the condition of the egg. After all, surely it had broken. Unless the egg was harder than diamond then it should have shattered; or at least scratched.

To her amazement the egg was unharmed. There was not even a slight mark on the gleaming surface.

"What?" Asked Holcomb; his voice rising an octave or two. "Why is it not broken? It needs to break!" He continued to rant for a minute or so with no interruption however, just as he had reached the climax of his rage a calm voice intervened.

"You cannot harm the egg. When hatched dragons are tough creatures and their eggs are made of one of the hardest materials in Alagaesia. You will not penetrate the surface. Especially not with such a crude weapon." Said Yaela; in an assertive yet controlled tone. "Hand me the egg. Now." The force her voice contained was enough to make a grown man afraid. And it did. Almost visibly shaking in fear Holcomb handed the egg to Yaela who smiled and handed it back to a silent Autumn.

Surprising herself Autumn began to stroke the egg gently and softly whisper soothing words to the egg. She ran her hand over the polished surface, checking for any damage or flaws in its incredible surface. There were none. Autumn was so distracted by the way the light rebounded from the golden surface of the oval-shaped stone she didn't notice Yaela and her father glowering at one another from across the tent.

"You should leave." Stated Yaela, no room for argument in her cold tone. Holcomb looked like he was about to answer but thought better of it, turning and staggering to the door. Autumn had forgotten he was drunk. Now was the time he would probably say something foolish she thought.

She was right.

"You know." He muttered, swaying alarmingly, "I don't want you back, Autumn. I'd rather you were gone."

Even though she knew it was coming Autumn was still hurt by the venom in the mans tone. to her horror she felt tears forming in the corners of her grass-green eyes. Holcomb turned on his heel and tried to stalk out with as much dignity as possible. Unfortunately he tripped and tumbled forwards. This totally ruined the effect.

Autumn suppressed a small laugh as he staggered away. She turned back to Yaela and asked:

"When will my dragon hatch?" Autumn had been wondering for some time but had managed to contain her curiosity.

"It should be at least four more d-" Yaela was cut short by a squeaking sound. She turned and looked at the egg. As Autumn looked down at the egg resting on her lap the noise came again. The egg began to rock back and forth.

A strange sound came forth and then... A single crack spread from the exact point the hammer had hit.

Autumn quickly realized what was happening. She didn't know why or how but she did know that the dragon in the egg was hatching.

Right now.

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