⚝ 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚔 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚔 ⚝

670 21 4

Point Place, Wisconsin

Punk Chick

Sofia, Alex, Hyde, and Fez were all hanging out at a place called The Hub on a Saturday night.

Sofia saw this as an opportunity to spend some time with Alex since they'd both been distant lately...It's been awkward between them...Things just haven't been the same after that Christmas party. Sofia just had to wonder if the reason behind it was her and Hyde's kiss.

Did Alex know?

Did Hyde tell him?

Should I tell him?

Sofia had so many questions in her head and was afraid to be alone with Alex and accidentally say something bad. so after basically begging Hyde to let them hang out with him and Fez. She was glad he showed up.

Meanwhile, Alex and Sofia started a conversation. Hyde convinced Fez to make some prank phone calls to entertain him.

Fez: "Hello, House of chicken? How big are your wings?"

Hyde looked up from his paper, scowling.

Hyde: "Breast!"

Fez: "Oh."

Fez turned back to the phone.

Fez: "How big are your breasts?"

He paused.

Fez: "This is Fez, who is this?"

Sofia chuckled.

Sofia: "Fez, you messed it up! Hang up!"

Sofia said, laughing.

Alex smiled to himself before going back to doodling on one of the napkins.

Fez hung up, then rushed over to the table.

Fez: "My first prank call! Every night in this country is an adventure!"

Hyde: "Yeah, Fez, it's a real rollercoaster, ain't it?"

Hyde asked sarcastically.

Suddenly, a girl walked into the hub. She was wearing dark clothes and had messy hair, and immediately Hyde's attention turned to her.

Chrissy: "Hey, you!"

She said, pointing to Hyde.

Chrissy: "Is there a motel in this puke hole?"

She asked him.

Sofia could tell that she was Hyde's exact type of girl. She was like a female version of him.

Fez: "We don't live in a puke hole. This is a very nice little-"

Fez answered but was soon interrupted by Hyde.

Hyde: "There's a Sleep Time Lodge three puke holes over"

At that moment Sofia could feel a strange feeling that started to increase... jealousy.

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