The smashing against the door was something that would indicate a gun bashing against metal.

"OPEN UP, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE. THE BUILDING IS SURROUNDED" I hear an all too familiar voice call out from outside. Then it was silent for a bit.


I winced and trembled in fear. It was like the fear you'd feel from sleep paralysis.

"OPEN THE DOOR OR I WILL AND YOU DON'T WANT ME TO DO THAT" he called out. Then I hear the door unlocking. I open my eyes again but I couldn't see much, I could only see a little bit of the next room, where everyone was at. Then the door creaked open.

"See now that wasn't so hard was it?" Quaritch laughs. I hear his heavy boots entering the room, unwelcomed.

"Well well... who do we have here?" I hear him toy.

"Norm? Max? Well I'll be damned I thought you two rodents were gone in the gutters!" He laughed, amused.

"Wh... who are you?" I hear Norm ask, his voice shaky.

"Quaritch?" He says, I see a mirror reflection of him holding his hands up.

"He...he died" I hear Norm respond.

"He did, but my memories and personality were stored before I died, so they could create me" he says, standing like he's a god. There was silence.

"Now what are you still doing here?" He asks Norm.

"We were chosen to stay, everyone else got kicked off the planet" he says.

"Is that so... you must know where Sully is then" he says.

"No I don't actually, his family left, he purposely didn't tell us because he knew this would happen" he says. I hear Quaritch laugh to himself in a deep, menacing tone. He walks up to Norm.

"That's not what my soldiers told me" he grins.
"See, we tracked a singular scorpion that left from here, and flew all the way over to the sea region. It wasn't ours" Quaritch teases. Norm didn't have a comeback and stayed silent.

"Search the place" he ordered then the avatars and soldiers flooded the building, scouting all over with their guns pointing. I held my breath as Lyle come into the room I was hidden in.

"Where is he?" Quaritch asks Norm.

"I don't know, I really-"

My eyes widen and my heart stops as I look through the tiny hole to see a gun being pointed to my dad's head. I wanted to scream but I couldn't seem to breathe.

"Woah!" Max shouted then Z-dog aimed a gun against his head too.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way" Quaritch threatened like it was all a game, but it probably was to him.

"Okay okay!" Norm panicked and raised his hands in surrender.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked.

"She went out to get some samples this afternoon, I don't know wher-"


"NO!" Max yelled.

I watch in horror as Quaritch smashed the end of his gun into my dad's head, blood splattering on the floor. My heart was tearing apart. I wanted to turn myself in. Norm began breathing rapidly.

"There's no need for that he's not lying!" Max shouts at him.

"Shut him up" he orders Z-dog. She then hits him with a gun too.

"ARGH!" He yells in pain.

"Now let's try again. Where are they?" He asks.

"I'm just a scientis-"


"Mh!" I squeal by accident of seeing Quaritch beat my dad. I covered my mouth quickly. Then Lyle stopped and turned around slowly, looking towards the closet. I froze in fear, my eyes narrowing down on him. He creeped closer, aiming his gun around. He saw the closet and began to slowly creep up to it. I slowly walked backwards the same speed he approached.

"AGH!" I hear Norm's agonising yells in the background. He's fully being beaten now. Tears fall from my eyes. I just wanted it all to stop. I began to step back faster. I hear the closet door open and I turn around quickly and run down the narrow dark tunnel. My claustrophobia was eating away at my oxygen. I pushed through and got to the other end. There were ladders that I climbed and entered the attic area. There was hardly any space to move around so I had to crawl on my stomach.

I got to the small hatch and popped it open. There was a small supply of emergency gas masks. I took one and wiggled out the hatch into the vents. Ever so quietly I got out and the outside was visible.

I open the end and see a soldier nearby, facing away from me. I carefully pull myself out the vent and drop down the wall. I land on the dirt and make a run for the forest that's immediately after it. I ran towards one of the few link beds that were left around Pandora.


I find one after half an hour of running. I hop in and set it up as quick as I can.


My eyes shoot open. Neteyam notices right away and runs to my side. I look at him, teary eyes as though I've woken from a nightmare. He gets up and calls for Jake.

"Y/n?" Jake asks me as he kneels down to me.

"They found us" I say, hitching my breaths.

"Tell me what happened?" He asks, helping me sit up.

"The RDA, Quaritch, they found our base and infiltrated it. Norm hid me and I managed to escape through the hidden escape tunnel." I say.

"What did they do?" He asks.

"I don't know if my dad's alive. They beat him horribly. They were looking for us. They tracked Norm's scorpion when he flew out here. They're coming for us" I say, almost spilling the waterworks.

"Then we better get prepared"

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