"This room is a dead end, Alora," Rosita huffs from the back. She walks back up and heads back into the main area.

And here I was thinking I would like her, I want her to trust me. I want to tolerate all these people I was once forced to meet but clearly, they don't all have the same intention when it comes to me. 

"You think she's bad now, you should have seen her when Glenn and I first met up, Rosita was with this man named Abraham and-," Rosita cut Tara off. 

"Could we not talk about him right now?" She bites back. 

Tara gives me a look and we both follow her out after we cleared the room, it didn't have too much. I know the expiration date could have passed on some of those cans. They would have expired cans that would slip through the cracks at the homeless shelter before the end of the world and they continued to slip through regulation at the high school camp.

One night I had to hold Elowen's hair back because she was sick from the expired food that she had made. Elowen was quite the cook along with literally being skilled at everything else. She was smart, knew how to cook, how to fix a gun and a car, and how to shoot a gun properly so you don't blow your shoulder. She passed many of those skills on to me, her parents taught her so like an older sister she taught me. One thing she didn't teach me was how to handle not understanding love. 

I didn't know how to handle it when I was asked what Carl and I are. I don't really know how to figure out what we are, it's not like I can just ask him that question straightforwardly. 

"Alora! Tara!" Rosita yells from outside, and the both of us run outside. A truck was pulling up, not one of ours. Why would Rosita pull us into this situation why wouldn't she want her allies hidden? I would have kept us hidden, personally. 

"Alora, radio into Glenn and Michonne, and tell them to stay hidden. Negan's men are here," Rosita tells me, she turns her head away from the truck to hide her voice a slight bit. Not like they would really be able to hear us over the sound of their massive truck pulling up. 

It was one of those old moving trucks where you'd feel the need to photograph every single item in case it went "missing or damaged" aka the movers pawned it off. The ones that the white families would use so they could say they supported small businesses. 

I radio into the other team and tuck the radio back into my hoodie so it can't be seen. Rosita hides her gun in her shirt, and Tara and I do the same. I was using Elowen's old gun so I had to be careful, at least I know the safety won't turn off and shoot off my tit. 

The truck pulls up and five men hop out, it's like a clown car. They all look like clowns too. 

That's when I see the man himself, I kiss my lips and frankly all the food in my bag goodbye. 

"Alora Borealis!" Negan grins walking up to us. Rosita sorta puts herself between us, I flickered my eyes to Tara, making sure no one is watching the other building to give away our allies.

"What have we here? A lesbian, a Mexican, and a street rat," One of Negan's men, I assume a high-up one, says. 

I lunge in his direction, "Don't be fucking rude, dickhead."

Negan chuckles and shakes his head, "We don't talk like that, I've told you this, Alora. Do you need to be taught a lesson?"

My eyes darken on the man, filled with hatred. Elowen would have already killed this guy, strung his guts like a banner and he would have been nothing but a ghost story to get kids to behave. 

I'm not like her though, I'm weak compared to her, it's a shame but it's true.

"What do you want?" Rosita snaps.

"Fiesty girls, hmm?" The same high-up says. 

I huff and look at Negan, "What she said, what do you want?"

"Just checking on my breadwinners, what have you gotten me today?" Negan asks walking towards me as I push my bag behind me. 

He walks up inches from my face, "Give me the bag."

"You're seriously going to steal the food from someone eating for two?" My lie caught everyone's breath.

Carl and I hadn't slept together, I haven't slept with a guy in three years. There is physically no way I could be pregnant but no one here knows that. If I can play that card I gladly will, I was taught to lie from a young age and I will die lying. 

"What a slut, getting knocked up with dead people walking. I mean you have to be stupid!" Negan was inches from my face still. 

"Weren't you just asking me to be your wife, you're just as much of a manwhore."

Negan hisses and shoves me back, the urge to slit his throat is more than strong, it's barely tamable. 

"Has to be Carl's huh?" He chuckles walking a circle around me. 

"And if it isn't?"

 I don't need him targeting Carl over my lie. Or much worse, telling Carl my lie before I can explain it. I'm planning on faking a miscarriage to get out of this situation for when I encounter the man next. 

"So you're a slut and a cheater?" 

If any of this were true it would bother me but it's not like Carl and I are official anyways so would it even be cheating really? Regardless this imaginary baby won't be around for too long. If I do end up getting knocked up by someone in the future, I sure as hell wouldn't disclose it. 

"Glad I didn't convince you to be my wife, I don't need a cheating slut to be in my domain." 

I roll my eyes. If I can get him off of us, we can leave and I can mentally recover from this draining experience. 

"Maybe I should take you out of this miserable world and safe Carl from the pain."

I kiss my lips and narrow my eyes at him, "Would you back off? We're barely getting by and you're terrorizing us."

Negan chuckles and walks the circle around the three of us, "I know you weren't here for the reason I have my monthly visits but just know that you are defending Rick, a man who has killed my people, terrorized my people, and killed children and pregnant women."

I shrug, "I wasn't here for it so why harass me, I simply joined a community that could keep me safe."

"Please, Negan, we need to get back before dark."

"Fine. Rosita and the other girl leave, I want to talk with Alora."

I watch as Rosita and Tara walk away quickly, Rosita holding four fingers by her side, I glance up at the sun to tell the time. It was around 3, she was telling me they'll be back around four. At least, for my sake, that's what I hope. 


hi hi I don't do these because I feel like it makes the story ugly so don't worry about these clogging the story but thank you guys for all the views I love you all kisses. I wrote this book a couple of months ago and as of 5/9/23 it has 1.2k views, I wasn't expecting this book to actually be read because apparently, I hate my own work. lol. anyways, thank you again for everything, and comment & vote to let me know you actually like the book. 

ps. i am writing a nonfiction wlw book bc I am bi and I see very little representation, however, I actually want to sell this book bc I am a server and need money but I want to post snippets so if you are into that thing pls let me know <3

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