Little!Fizz CG! Ozzie Surprise!

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Character A and B have been working all week, and it's finally the weekend! To de-stress, both decide upon a full weekend in little space!

Request: Cheycartoongirl8

warning: mention of s3x

Asmodeus felt bad.
Last time Fizz had regressed he was so upset that he never got to play, that he was never regressed for very long either. It saddens him to know that such a major part of Fizzarolli's personality will never be properly fulfilled and happy... he wanted to make Fizz fizz happy, and he had an idea as to how.

"I have a surprise for you, bug." Ozzie says one day after a big show.

"Oh yeah? What is- wait...did you just call me bug?" Fizzarolli asks. "But, I'm not-"

"I know, sweetheart. But this surprise is for little you." Ozzie explains.

"Little me? Why?" Fizz asks. He looks around to make sure no one else was listening.

"I felt bad that you don't get to regress that much, and when you do you usually just sleep it off. So I have an idea. I have already asked Mamon, and he has agreed to give you a couple days off to rest. So that means can be as little and as active as you want!" He says.

"You did that? For me?" Fizz asks.

"Yes...what do you think?"

Fizz smiles. "I get to be little for two whole days?!"

Ozzie smiles. "Yup, that's not all either. Want to see the rest?"

Fizz quickly nods.

Ozzie takes fizz's hand and leads him to his car. "Where are we going?" Fizz asks, starting to sound littler now.

"It's a surprise." Ozzie says.

Fizz nods and gets in the car. He's so excited, he doesn't stay still at all on the drive there, he keeps grabbing on the seatbelt, moving around, squirming.

Ozzie parks the car at Ozzie's own mansion, Fizzarolli has been there so many times, why would this be a surprise? "Your house is the surprise? Lame!"

"It's not my house." Ozzie says with a chuckle. "There's something inside I want to show you."

"Oh. Well, just hurry because you know I have the attention span of a...uh- umm- just show me!" Fizz demands.

Ozzie chuckles more. "Alright, alright." he offers his hand to Fizz again who happily takes it and they walk inside together.

Ozzie's house was huge, and full of color. Fizz always liked Ozzie's place. He's usually there just for sex, so he's never really gotten a good chance to look around and see it all completely- one day he will though! He's been determined to see a little bit of it every time they come here so eventually he'll have seen all of it.

"Fizz?" Ozzie asks, snapping him out of his trance.

"What?" Fizz asks.

Ozzie takes Fizz's hand again. "Stay close, baby. I don't want you to get lost."

Fizz blushed slightly, not that it was easy to tell under all the makeup. He can feel his regression build more and more when Ozzie talked like that.

Ozzie lead him to a hidden entrance to a hallway Fizzarolli had no idea that existed. "Secret passageways?" Fizzy asks. "Cool!"

"Here we are." Ozzie says. He stopped in front of one of the doors. "Close your eyes, Fizzy."

He does so as Oz takes his hand and leads him inside. "Okay, open them."

Fizzarolli does, and he couldn't believe what he saw... it was a playroom, a lot like one you'd find at a restaurant or a daycare, but everything was Fizzarolli's size. A jungle gym, a ball pit, lots of toys, and places to climb and swing- he couldn't believe this!

"Do you like it?" Ozzie asks.

Fizzarolli blinks a few times to check that what he really was seeing was actually there. "I love it..." he says. "No one has ever done something like this for me."

"I'm glad you like it." He says. "You're welcome here anytime you're feeling little. In fact- I was wondering if you'd consider taking a weekend off every month or so to let yourself be little? We can play in the playroom, and I even made up a little nursery to sleep in." Ozzie says.

"That sounds great, but Mamon would never let me get that much time off." Fizz says sadly. "Especially on a weekend."

"Then take off one Monday and Tuesday a month, you don't have as much traction those days."

"Maybe..." Fizz says.

"Do you want to take the time off?" Ozzie asks.

"Yes, of course. I haven't got to be little in literally forever!" He complains.

"I'll talk to Mamon then, he might listen to me a little better." Ozzie says.

Fizz nods. "Really? You'd do that for me?" He asks.

"You have no idea what I'd do for you, little one." He says. Fizz wrapped his robotic arms around Ozzie. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" He says.

"You're very welcome, bug. What would you like to play first?" Ozzie asks.

There was so much he could do- how can he possibly choose?!


He played on the swings for ten minutes before falling asleep on the floor, Ozzie had to pick him up and set him in the nursery.

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