05 - the day after

Start from the beginning

"I can imagine after such a long night. You and Olivia and Isa danced all night long. Did you have a fun night?" He asked friendly and I nodded.

"It was really fun! I had a good time, yeah for sure!" I answered him and his eyes lit up. It was endearing to see that he was happy that I had a great time. 

"You are very welcome to join us again next time." He smiled. "Everyone loves having you around."

"Ah, you are all talking about me already?" I joked and he chuckled with a lopsided grin on his lips.

"Ah no, no, no, not like that, of course! But if we drivers don't like it when someone is around us, we tend to notice it, and most of them aren't too subtle in the way they show it. But everyone was really excited to have you around." He explained a little worried and I giggled at him. "Even the ones who didn't come were very sad that they haven't had the chance to meet you."

"No need to flatter me that much, Charles." I giggled, this man made me giggle so much. " But you are all so nice and friendly. I'm looking forward to the next weekend to get to know y'all better."

"I hope you like traveling and media drama because otherwise you'll be done with F1 before the summer break." He joked and I shrugged as I took a small bite of my yogurt.

"I don't mind traveling at all and most drama is usually much bigger online than it actually was in real life, so I guess I'll manage. As long as I'm not the center of the drama, and I'm not planning to, so I'm good." Charles laughed.

"You are a smart woman." He grinned. "We need those around here. Without those, we'd be lost." I chuckled when I took another bite of my yogurt bowl. We sat in silence for a few moments and I noticed his soft gaze on me with an adorable lazy smile on his lips. As if he was awoken from a daydream, he straightened his posture and blinked a couple of times. "So, what are your plans until the next GP? Do you have to work a lot?" He seemed genuinely interested in what I had to do and it was adorable.

"Well, I have a couple of appointments I need to be at over the next week back at Mercedes, and I have some event stuff to fix before getting on the plane to Saudi Arabia. Things will probably pop up as well." I told him and thought for a second if I was gonna add some more info, but he made me feel comfortable in sharing stuff, so I did without thinking to much. "And besides work, it's my birthday on the 12th so I'm having a girls' night with a few friends from uni to celebrate." I answered his question. His eyes lit up at the words 'birthday' and I couldn't suppress a smile as he looked very adorable while doing so and that made him smile even wider.

"Oh, I didn't know it was your birthday already." He said but quickly seemed to realize that he couldn't have known. " We should throw you a little party next GP!" He offered excitedly and I shook my head with a small laugh.

"No need, I'm not a fan of celebrating my birthday to be honest." I answered and I could swear I saw him pout a little bit. "But you can buy me a drink next time we are going to a party, if you really want to.." I added with a cheeky voice and emptied my bowl of yogurt. Over his shoulder, I noticed the tall figure of my father had appeared with Fred Savveur, who was the new team principal at Ferrari, my father had told me. Fred seemed ready to go to his flight with his suitcase packed and he was here to pick up Charles. By the look on Toto's face, he heard my remark about buying a drink, but he kept quiet.

" Charles, boy, are you ready to go? Or do you want to miss your flight by talking to Teddy Wolff from Mercedes here?" Fred spoke and held his hand out for me to shake. I smiled at him. He seemed nice. I was still not used to people knowing who I was. "Hi, Fred Savveur, welcome to the world of F1." He said with a smile and I shook his hand.

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