Index lll episode 6

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck? Does that mean since I have the same ability, just stronger, that I might be able to track and find any of the Sisters or even Accelerator?" Mikoto exclaims, because that might actually be helpful, since if she ever needs to get information to someone, she can track a Sister and relay it across the network.

"Well shit, if someone's targeting Last Order, there's no way in hell you're going to avoid getting hurt, since as soon as she's mentioned you become a last priority." Heaven wonders what the hell the researchers must've done to manage to twist the kid so much, but still somehow have him retain a heart of gold.

"Fucking shit, there's a reason you shouldn't say child, they're looking for someone young, you stupid brat, not anyone younger, so even if I were to have fucking been there, that stupid shit and you would've completely missed me, dumbass." Accelerator groans, because he knows that he really is a child in most ways, but in others, he knows far more than most adults. 

The tiny girl looks dejected and sad that she hasn't managed to find who she's looking for yet. She sits up in excitement upon spotting something, the girl tensing across from her. A pink bunny like creature hanging from someone's purse. "Misaka really wants one of those too-" The tiny girl has stars in her eyes as she stares at the toy. "-Says Misaka Misaka with excitement, even though she has no money." Her head tracks the toys movement, before pulling back to reveal its a high school girl walking past, the two girls at the table watching her. "But Misaka has a thought." She faces the girl across from her. "And turns towards Uiharu with a sparkle-" It's clear the girl is trying to get her way. "-in her eye." It's also pretty clear the dark haired girl knows this. "Aww, how can I resist?" She pulls out a coin from her wallet, a little brown thing. "Here." Last Order excitedly turns and gets off the chair, hurrying towards the other in order to retrieve the coin.

"Last, why?" Yomikawa is already thinking of how they can get the girl her money back, because there's no way Last Order can repay her and all the trouble she caused the poor girl.

"This'll teach you to just run off into the city without telling anyone, you damn brat." Accelerator grumbles, because he has had enough of having to track her dumbass down when she does it.

"It's so cute, I see why you want it ,little Sister." Mikoto stares at the toy with the same excitement as Last Order, making it extremely obvious who the little girl had gotten the trait from in the first place.

"Surely keeping her close would've been smarter." Index sometimes wonders what people are thinking when they do something stupid like that, especially since Last Order will not be in the girl's sight anymore.

"Oh for fuck's safe, nobody had better get her while she's trying to get a fucking toy, I swear to god." Touma has a dark look in his eyes, already planning exactly what he might do if the young girl gets kidnapped again.

Yoshikawa is chuckling, because she finds the girl's innocent enjoyment of toys and other things extremely entertaining and nice, but she is trying to figure out who might be targeting the girl now.

"What reason might they have to target Last Order, besides perhaps to get at Accelerator, because something tells me this is more personal and less professional." Heaven is trying to help, muttering aloud since he knows for damn sure the albino did not come in with any injuries he can recall.

"Misaka couldn't help herself, ok?! Exclaims Misaka Misaka, unable to just sit and not defend her choice to get a cute, soft little animal friend!" Last Order flails her arms, pout on her face at the ones who can not understand her. 

Last Order is humming in excitement, carefully grabbing the coin. "Be sure to come right back after-" The girl turns with her arms stretched out like a plane, already heading away. "-you're done, ok?" The girl's giggles echo for a moment, before the ice cream is revealed, some fruit, whipped cream, and other add-ons resting on top, as well as two chocolate straws and a spoon. With a sigh, the girl grabs the spoon. "Oh well, in the meantime I'll just-" Uiharu looks excited to be able to eat the treat. "-enjoy having some of this sundae." She goes to lift the spoon, when someone wearing a dark maroon colored shirt appears in the corner of the screen.

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