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There was nothing Vera Bennet could pull out of her 'Big Bad Law Book' to prevent the Bayview officers that showed up at their door with a warrant to search the house from entering. Moon and Isaac were sat on the couch. "Moon, this officer wants to go through your room. Let him into your room."

Moon pushed herself up, walking towards her bedroom door and pushing it open, the officer and his drug dog walking inside. Moon stood by the doorway, arms crossed. The dog sniffed all over her room for any traces of drugs, but Moon knew from movies that it would only bark if it got anything, and so far it was all good.

He opened the cabinet, pushing around some of her things before the dog bumped into her safe. The officer turned to her, "Could you open this up for me?"

Moon walked up to it, crouching as she typed in the code and pulled open the door. If the police had arrived an hour or so earlier, they would have found all of Moon's money that she earned through making and dealing drugs. However, the only things in the safe right now was a necklace.

"It's from an old friend in New York," Moon offered some context, and the officer handed the necklace back to her, and she put it back in her safe. He left the room to search the rest of the house, and Moon went back to the living room, leaving her bedroom door open.

"So what did he find? Did he find anything?" Vera questioned her daughter once the officer was long gone.


"Not even your cash?" Isaac asked.

"Cash?" Vera glanced at him before turning to Moon. "I think I deserve an explanation."

"You abandoned us, you don't deserve anything from us," Moon snapped, jaw clenched. "The only reason I'm still here is for Isaac and because I'm still 17." Vera raged, her hand poised to strike Moon across the face.

But Isaac swatted her hand away before she could even hit Moon, "Back off, Mom."


"No, no! All you've done since you showed up out of the blue is manipulating people," Isaac yelled, voice cracking. "You... you tried to make me file a case against Dad just so you could take custody of Moon and I, even though she doesn't want anything to do with you!" He sniffled, tears of frustration spilling down his face. "Mom, I really, really want some form of a relationship with you, but fuck, you're making it so fucking hard!"

Moon took Isaac's hand and pulled him down onto the couch beside her. Vera looked beyond hurt, but Moon couldn't care less. She got on her knees in front of them, reaching for their hands. Isaac was the first out of the two to yank his hand back.

"I left because I couldn't take living in such a toxic house any longer," Vera had begun to cry. Fucking Crocodile tears. "I was going to come back for you once I found somewhere safe but--"

"But you didn't," Moon said blankly. She would not cry. She was not going to cry for her mother that barely acted like one and was hardly present in her and her brother's lives. "You... " She took a breath and wrapped an arm around Isaac since he was practically bawling into her shoulder. "You left us behind. You left us in that toxic house back in New York." She shook her head and tensed when Vera gripped her hand tightly. "I had to do some messed up shit just so Isaac and I could get stuff to eat so we don't starve while our father is passed out drunk on the floor somewhere."

Moon shrugged her hand off, sighing. "Moon, Isaac, I'm so sorry." The woman said tearfully. "I'm so sorry, I'm so--" She kept repeating her apology over and over, and Moon could not take it anymore. 

ONE OF US IS LYING, maeve rojasWhere stories live. Discover now