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Moon's father was adjusting the tie that she was wearing along with a black suit. He wanted to be somewhat formal and actually presentable for once, "Dad, it's a wake, not a wedding."

"I'm aware," Christian Lee gave her a stern look, receiving a chuckle from Isaac, who was doing up his formal leather shoes. For once, they weren't carpooling on Moon's motorcycle, and were driving to Mayor Kelleher's house with Christian's car, which they were surprised to find out worked.

When they got there and walked into the house, Christian was offered a glass of whiskey by Mr Kelleher, and to Moon and Isaac's surprise, he politely refused and settled for champagne. "I'm just going to have a catch-up with some old friends. I'll meet you guys a little later." He patted their shoulders and walked away, the siblings' eyes following his figure with slight confusion.

"I swear I didn't take anything before this," Moon muttered to Isaac, taking two glasses of champagne from a server and handing one to Isaac. She downed it, grimacing at the overly sweet taste and put the empty glass on another server's tray, taking a new one. "This isn't enough to get drunk."

"Okay, how about we... " Isaac looped his arm through his sister's and they walked further into the house. Moon glanced at the door as it opened, seeing Nate walk into the house.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" Janae said upon seeing Nate and Moon in the main foyer area. Addy was there too, by the bottom of the set of stairs.

"Relax, I'm here on business," Nate said, glancing around the house, and Moon conveniently dropped a small packet through her pant leg. Moon made eye contact with him. "I'm not the only one."

Isaac tugged Moon forward since he saw their dad talking to Bronwyn's father, and Moon glanced back to see Nate bend down to pick up the packet she dropped. She felt less uneasy after that.

They were on their own after that, gliding between old people and some people they knew from school. Moon spotted Detective Wheeler in the crowd earlier and purposefully and subtly avoided her line of view. They were back in the foyer again when Mrs Kelleher clinked her glass, "Excuse us, everyone."

"Good lord, maybe it is a wedding," Moon mumbled, earning a nudge from Isaac as they stopped to stand just by the front of the stairs.

The chattering died down as Mrs Kelleher continued, "Thank you so much for being here with us today to honor our dear Simon. I know it would've meant the world to him to have you all here."

Janae scoffed, "Oh, my God, come on." People murmured at her interruption.

"Simon was the biggest light in our world," Mrs Kelleher went on. "His joy, his love of his friends. The Russian Nobel Prize winner, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once wrote--" Moon felt a tap on her shoulder, glancing back slightly to find Bronwyn there behind her.

"Meet me upstairs."

"--some are bound to die young. By dying young, a person stays young in people's memory."

Moon nudged Isaac, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He nodded and Moon handed him her glass. She walked off, trying to find the second set of stairs to the second floor, but she saw her father at the end of the hallway she had turned into, and before he could glance at her, she ducked into another room, sighing in somewhat relief.

"Would you look who it is?"

"Fuck," Moon mumbled, her eyes screwing shut as she slowly turned around. "Little Rojas. Janae. Hello." She lifted her hand in a somewhat wave. Janae glared at her, Moon furrowing her eyebrows in slight confusion at her. Maeve waved back. Moon's eyes brightened at the little plate of food that the younger had, and she walked towards her at the sight of it. "Marshmallow-y hors d'oeuvres?"

ONE OF US IS LYING, maeve rojasWhere stories live. Discover now