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"I heard about the whole Kelleher kid situation," Christian poured himself a cup of coffee on the kitchen counter. Moon and Isaac glanced at him from their breakfast. "We've... uh, been invited to the wake."

"We barely know them, though," Isaac commented through his waffles.

"That's why you two are going instead with this," he held up a bottle of whiskey. Moon and Isaac looked at him like he was insane, which they were starting to believe since he was smiling. "Don't look at me like that, you two, tsk." He downed his mug of coffee. "You'll be fine."

"Moo-Moo was in the room when Simon died," Isaac informed him. They noted the slightly shocked look on his face.

"Course you didn't know," Moon mumbled, putting another spoonful of cereal in her mouth. "I was on the news. I tried... I tried saving him with Isaac's EpiPen. I broke his locker lock since it wouldn't open even though I put the right code in three times."

Christian was looking at Moon like she committed a crime, "Do the police think you and the other people in detention are involved?"

"Gupta, uh, called us in to her office and this officer interviewed us," Moon said, stirring her cereal with the spoon mindlessly. "Asked us about our personal relationship with him, some random stuff from our files--"

"Including--" Their father began, and Moon cut her off.

"New York, yes," Moon glanced at him. The dining room was silent after Moon's words, and Christian ran his hand through his closely shaven hair.

"So you and the Macauley kid are the only ones with criminal records, huh?" Moon nodded. She pushed herself up from her chair, taking her bowl to the sink. Isaac wolfed down the rest of his waffles before putting his plate in there too for her to wash.

"Oh, Dad, someone's gonna stop by later and pick this up," Moon told the man on the couch as she and Isaac began putting their shoes on, waving the box around. "Before you start, it's not cash, so don't bother."

"Ha ha," Christian said jokingly, waving the TV remote at her. "Toss me a beer while you're by the fridge, Isaac."

The boy sighed before handing one to him. Moon handed Isaac a helmet and grabbed hers after putting on her backpack. "See you," Moon told Christian before they left, and all she got was a grunt in response. 

They walked towards Moon's motorcycle, getting hit by the brisk California heat as they walked out. "Are we gonna talk about the AboutThat post last night?" Isaac asked her as she got on her bike. "It freaked me out."

"I'll be honest, it did spook me," Moon admitted after a few beats of silence as she clicked on her helmet. "But no killer would fucking do that right?" She glanced at him over her shoulder. "Right?"

"I have no idea, and this is America after all," Isaac halfheartedly raised his hands, and Moon made a noise of agreement. When they drove into the school parking lot and hopped off the bike, Moon noticed people staring at her and Isaac as they walked into school. "Just shrug it off, Moo-Moo."

"Right after I punch someone in the face halfway through 2nd period," Moon shot him a sarcastic smile as she dropped him off at his locker and walked towards hers. She placed the two helmets on the top shelf of the locker.


ONE OF US IS LYING, maeve rojasWhere stories live. Discover now