Changing Pace

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By the time they had finished watching season four she was crying, which she didn't expect would happen since it was rare anything made her emotional and it was mostly over Eddie. What surprised her even more was that Rika had been so upset about it. All of this made her remember when it happened and at the time she didn't get the big deal since she had barely watched any of the show. Now she understood. Meeting Joseph and knowing how sweet he was didn't help either. When she calmed down enough she turned to look at Jamie.

"You killed Eddie."

"It wasn't me," He said, "I mean I suppose Vecna was the indirect cause but it was actually the bats."

"He wouldn't have been in there if it wasn't because of Vecna." She said and patted him on the cheek roughly. He laughed and she sat up, wiping her face off as she took in a slow deep breath trying to not be so emotional. She was still a bit buzzed from the pain meds (since she'd eventually taken a second dose) but it had taken the entire day to watch the whole thing. Jamie had gotten up and left a few times, which she didn't mind too much because he'd wanted food and at few points he'd brought her food and reminded her that she had to eat, but she hadn't wanted to stop watching for a second. It was only then that she realized how late it was and that for the first time in her life, she'd spent a day in bed doing nothing but watching a TV show. That wasn't even something she did when she was sick.

"I can't believe you sat straight through the whole thing." He said.

"It was kind of hard not to. Also, what else did I have to do today?" She asked, "But now I kind of feel guilty wasting so much time."

"Why? You just said you didn't have anything else to do."

"True, but I'm...if you haven't noticed I don't really watch shows or things and know almost nothing about pop culture. If anything, I'm surprised it held my attention that long. I tend to find things boring very quickly if they are fictional." She shrugged.

"Right, you're the one who said that you could recommend good documentaries, weren't you?" He chuckled.

"They are good. Some of them are long. Not half a day long but long and I can watch those just fine. I guess I feel if it's educational then it's not a waste of time. No...offense?" She added quickly at the end since she realized she was pretty much mocking his entire career by saying that. He laughed.

"None taken, love but it was educational in a way. You got to see what I do for my work, Joseph as well." He said.

"Wasn't a fan of that hair." She said, reaching up to ruffle his hair as she did. He laughed and gently swatted her arm away from his head. "So, when you weren't here what were you doing? To be honest between my intense interest in the show and the painkillers I'm not even sure how long you were gone. I just know that it happened."

"Made some phone calls, talked to Joseph and Rika, somehow got a whole bunch of information on some sort of headquarters that your company is about to build or launch here." He said, "How do I invest in stock for that?"

"I'm not sure you could afford enough of it to also make it a worthwhile investment or see a return." She said, "I could give you some though. Hell if I need all my shares."

"I'm not sure if I care about a return on my investment, I'm just trying to be supportive." He said, "Also I should probably get a portfolio going at some point."

"Do you know how to do that?"

"Not really."

"If you're that interested I can set you up with a guy, I barely know how to do any of that myself. Rika could tell you a lot more though. Then again, she has an active investment in stock because she's the CEO of the company I just own it." She replied. "Anything else interesting?"

Lost In Paradise || A Jamie Campbell Bower AUWhere stories live. Discover now