⤿ 76 | a pretty party !

Start from the beginning

due to jinhee's inexperience, she didn't know what to do at first, she didn't move beneath taehyung's lips as her eyes were just closed while she remained slightly stoic. she didn't realise her hands were slightly shaking out of anxiousness and the fact that her heart was about to jump out of her chest, but taehyung could feel her shaking under his hand.

lightly squeezing her hand to reassure her that she had nothing to worry about, taehyung kept his promise as he guided jinhee through their kiss, his lips started moving against hers once he could sense the girl relax against him.

taehyung made sure to be careful, and gentle, moving his lips against jinhee's slowly so she would be able to keep up. he was holding jinhee's hand like she and this moment were the most delicate thing in the world.

suddenly feeling a sense of courage, as well as a sense of reassurance from taehyung, jinhee began to move her lips. she didn't know whether she was doing it correctly, but just basing it on her own common sense, she moved her lips following the pace taehyung was moving his.

feeling jinhee's lips starting to move against his, taehyung smiled through the kiss.

exhaling from his nose, taehyung tilted his head, changing the angle of the kiss as that little gesture of his sent a ton of butterflies through jinhee's stomach as her eyes remained closed, savouring every second of this moment while it lasted.

her first kiss.

the duo sat on their theatre-like maroon seats, as the stars shone brightly above them, causing this intimate moment between them to shine even more.

their hand stayed intertwined the whole time while their lips were connected, under the full moon—under the moonlight.

kissing taehyung felt like a dream, an actual fucking fever dream—but it was jinhee's reality. she was exploding all over, she felt hot all over, with an immense amount of heat rushing to her cheeks, making her feel absolutely breathless.

her breath was literally taken away by taehyung.

but due to jinhee's inexperience, taehyung could tell she was slightly running out of breath. and just like how good things never last forever, taehyung gently pulled away and even though jinhee felt slightly bumped, she was thankful because she could tell she was also starting to run out of breath.

when taehyung pulled away, he watched jinhee's eyes slowly fluttering open. and once it did and met taehyung's eyes, he immediately broke out into a small gentle smile as his eyes bored into jinhee. jinhee didn't know how well she did, but looking at the boy smiling at her right now, she couldn't think about anything else other than him.

was this how it felt like to like someone? to kiss someone you like? whether it was or was not, jinhee never wanted to stop feeling this way. her eyes shifted down to his rosy and slightly damp pink lips and then to taehyung's eyes again, his eyes that were filled with happiness and absolute adoration.

the two of them didn't say anything out loud, but the look in taehyung's eyes and his thumb slightly tracing over jinhee's hand was enough to reassure her that he enjoyed the kiss as much as she did.

taehyung leaned slightly forward again, causing their foreheads to touch as both of their eyes simultaneously fluttered shut. without even saying anything to each other, they knew they were both thinking the same thing.

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