Madam tilted her head, seemingly in thought as she answered plainly, "All I can say is that it will probably be the hardest exam in the history of the HPSC."

Dabi's eyes widened at the statement, forgetting the bags on the counter as he sat by Shoto. The TV having gained all of his attention.

The interviewer gaped, collecting himself as he asked, "Is there anything you can tell us for your reasons?"

Madam shrugged, "The HPSC believes that the quality of heroes has fallen too low, so to correct it we're adjusting the exam. After collecting data on this year's exam we plan to make adjustments to next year's exam to find a good middle ground."

The interviewer pondered for a second, "So this will be like an outlier per se. The last test was too easy so this one will be too hard, and next year we can expect one somewhere in the middle."

Madam nodded, "Yes that is correct. It is in our best interests to make sure the public is safe under the guidance of our heroes, so this exam is a necessary step in that direction."

The interviewer nodded, giving a sad smile as he spoke, "Well I can't complain with that reasoning now, can I? Though I still feel a little sorry for all the aspiring heroes this year."

Madam President scoffed, her voice mocking as she spoke, "The safety of the public is the most important issue for the HPSC. We will go to whatever lengths necessary to ensure the safety of Japan's citizens and the pedigree of the heroes that maintain order."

Dabi grit his teeth as the woman looked toward the camera, her face uncaring. The words monotone in a sense that he knew applied to him and the other applicants that were being used as an experiment this year.

"If they can't handle it then that's just how it is."

This bitch...

Dabi had to reign in his anger as the interviewer gulped, looking toward the camera as he attempted to save the interview, "Well that's all we have time for! Thanks for the interview, now back to the news station."

Shoto shut off the tv as it switched back to the first channel, looking over to Dabi with a curious gaze.

"Are you going to be okay?"

Shoto knew that Dabi could be a hero. He knew that better than anyone, but Dabi had only been working under Aizawa for a month. Most of the heroes had been training for years to pass that exam.

And now it's even harder than before... Is he gonna-


Dabi snickered as Shoto took the pillow he threw head on, tilting like a bobblehead as he sprawled on the mattress.

My aim's pretty good today...

Dabi smirked as he stood up, moving back to the kitchen as he ignored Shoto's glare.

"What was that for?"

And why is it always that pillow... the other ones are softer.

Shoto huffed as Dabi took the bags and started looking through them, his voice coy as he spoke, "For not believing in your big brother, a sin greater than any you have ever committed. I thought I raised you better that that..."

Dabi shook his head in mock disappointment, Shoto giving him an unimpressed look as he laid back down on the pillow he was just assaulted with.


Dabi watched as Shoto moped, turning down his antics as he spoke more seriously this time.

"But seriously Sho, don't worry about it."

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