Chapter 59

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Wedding pt.2

"But even through everything, Cedric I am so glad to have you as my brother and best friend, and Allison I am so excited to have another sister in the family and be just as annoying as Adeline-"

"Hey!" Adeline and Allison shouted in offense which everyone laughed at.

They were almost done with speeches, Adeline being the last going after Harry.

"Cheers to you two, I love you both and am so excited to see what life has to bring for you two!" Harry ended his speech and walked towards Adeline to give the microphone.

"Well to those who don't know, my name is Adeline Diggory and I am Cedric's favorite sibling-"

"No, you aren't!" Harry yelled making everyone laugh.

"Well too bad I am anyways I am going to keep this short but I am incredibly excited for the both of you and for what life has to offer you two. Cedric, you have honestly dreamed of this day since you developed a liking for Allison, I remember the exact day, he came running into my room after their first date and he told me all about Allison and told me 'I'm going to marry this girl one day' and from then, they have been together since. Allison, you have been nothing but amazing to our family and I am so happy you are officially a Diggory. You two have truly shown me what it's like to be in love and always supporting each other-"

Adeline stopped as she met a pair of blue eyes she hadn't seen in a long time.

Theodore Nott.

Everyone was confused except for Theodore since he was looking right back at her, he smiled and gave her a nod which for some reason allowed her to continue her speech.

"Um sorry lost my spot but the both of you have been nothing but supportive, loving, caring, and open-minded of each other and honestly I believe the two of you are made for each other. I love you both so much," She finished and went to hug Cedric and Allison.

She walked back to the table as everyone started dancing on the floor but she needed a minute to sit.

"Hey!" Regulus said as he went to hug her, "Sorry I was sitting with Andy but you sang amazing!"

"You did an amazing job, Adeline," Draco said coming behind him.

"Oh hi! Thank you both! I was hoping to see you two," Adeline said with a smile as she hugged them.

"Well I promised Teddy some dancing lessons to impress you so I'll see ya later," Regulus said as he walked to the dance floor.

"So how have you been?" Adeline asked Draco as the two sat down.

"Been good actually, you?"

"Been better, just trying to adjust to new life," Adeline responded, "So Astoria?" she asked with a smirk.

Draco blushed and had the biggest smile on his face, "Yeah Astoria, I really like her so we've been going out but it's nothing official yet."


"I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I've never done the dating thing so I don't know how it's going to go and if I'm doing it right," he shrugged.

Adeline stayed quiet for a moment debating.

"Just say whatever it is you're thinking about," Draco said.

"This stays between me and you," he nodded, "Theodore had the same thinking as you," she paused and looked down at the ring that he had given her, "He didn't do the dating thing but tried it with me because he wanted it to last and be something. Draco you learn as you go, there is no such thing as doing it right of being a boyfriend, but that's where communication comes in and you talk to her about these things. Theodore and I communicated a lot and made it work."

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