Chapter 29

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Quidditch and Hogsmeade

"Where is it?" Theodore asked as he and Draco were walking into the Room of Requirement.

"I would tell you if I knew." Draco snapped.

Theodore looked around and quite honestly wanted to run out. He didn't want this life, he wanted to be at the black lake reading with Adeline or simply in the Library with her. But he didn't have a choice in the path he went down since his father had made it up for him.

"Here," Theodore said with a sigh as he stood in front of the cabinet. Draco stood next to him and the two were silent as they stared at the cabinet in front of them.


Harry was ecstatic to find out he was the quidditch captain. But of course, couldn't do trials on his own so he asked Adeline for help.

Adeline didn't play quidditch at Hogwarts but she was indeed good, she always played with Amos and Cedric. She wasn't doing much except for picking out the chasers and goalie as Harry picked out the reserves and the beaters.

When Adeline walked onto the field, she laughed at the sight of Harry trying to get everyone to quiet down and no one listening except for Ron and Ginny. Her broom stayed with Harry seeing as she didn't use it much except at home so Harry always took it to Hogwarts with him in case he needed the extra broom.

"...through a few drills just to test your strengths," Harry said looking at the group in front of him that wasn't listening. Adeline walked up from behind and nudged him letting him know she was there, Harry turned and smiled down at the girl then turned with a furtratsted sigh, "Quiet! Please!"

"OI!" Adeline shouted, "Shut up all of you!" Adeline said, gaining the attention of everyone.

"Thanks erm alright well um remember just because you made the team last year doesn't guarantee you a spot this year, is that clear?" Everyone nodded their heads, "Good."

Adeline turned and noticed Hermione in the stands and waved at her Hermione waved back then she turned to Ron.

Then they were off and all in the air, Harry and Adeline were sitting on their brooms in the middle of the pitch but on opposite sides watching everyone play. She was indeed impressed with Cormac as he literally blocked every ball and then it was Ron's turn.

"Come on Ron," Adeline whispered as she saw him slip off his broom but he regained his composure and blocked more balls.

Adeline frowned when Cormac suddenly moved out of the way from the goalpost as Dean scored. But then again, Cormac looked equally confused. She looked at the stands and noticed Hermione with her hand covering her mouth than a smirk on her face as she watched Cormac. Adeline smiled to herself and then went on with watching tryouts.


"I thought you said quidditch was more for your brother's thing and not yours?" Theodore asked as he ran to meet up with Adeline after she walked out of the pitch.

Adeline smiled as Theodore intertwined their hands, "It is but Harry asked me to help him with trials, don't worry being a chaser is still your thing." Adeline laughed.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Theodore asked.

"Nothing planned as of now."

"Well, then would you like to accompany me to Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

"Well, I most certainly will."

"But is it alright if we meet in the Three Broomsticks? Draco wants to go early to some store and get something before they sell out of whatever he wants, I wasn't paying attention honestly."

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