Chapter 12

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A couple of days after they arrived at Grimmauld Place, the two families had gone to St. Mungos to see the two injured fathers. Adeline still hadn't processed anything until she saw her father in the bed with bandages all over his body but she didn't get to speak since her mother came into Adeline's view and pushed her out of the room since Julianne didn't want Adeline to see her father in that state. 

Adeline was furious but stayed quiet and walked back down to leave St. Mungos, the Weasleys, plus Harry and Hermione went to see Mr. Weasley. She had met up with Remus and asked him if he could apparate her back which now led to her sitting in her room reading.

Adeline closed her book and picked up a picture. A family picture. She always knew her parents weren't always going to be around forever but when she saw her father laying in the hospital bed, her heart broke. She couldn't lose her family, it felt as if she was going through the same thing with Cedric. 

But she was also angry, angry at her mother who didn't allow her to see her father. Angry at Cedric who didn't say anything and just stood there while she was pushed away. She threw the picture and closed her eyes but frowned when she didn't hear it fall on the floor. Instead, it was in someone's hands and when she looked up, grey eyes met blue. The grey eyes belonged to Sirius Black.

He felt terrible for the girl because he saw the past couple of days how all the teenagers went to Adeline for comfort. He noticed she always had a smile on her face and half of the time the smile was a fake one. A smile Sirius wore himself too many times. He now took the time to for once give her comfort instead of her giving her comfort out since that's what Adeline needed.

"Are you alright?" Sirius asked.


"I'm not sure," Adeline spoke after a moment of wondering.

"Well then let's talk about Hogwarts, how are your classes? Any trouble? Any boys?" Sirius smirked.

Adeline always liked Sirius and looked up to him in a way. She admired his bravery from his past and how he proved to her that it's okay to be different from everyone even if it's your own family.

"My classes are going well but I thought you knew that considering I am at the top of the class throughout the fifth year and have no trouble- OH! And the DA is going well." Adeline looked up with a smile. A genuine smile.

"You didn't answer my last question", Sirius grinned. Adeline's cheeks went red and looked down.

"I didn't hear you say anything else." Adeline teased with a smile.

"Oh no I think you did but don't want to answer it since there is a boy." Sirius then started laughing which caused Adeline to burst out laughing but that soon was cut off by Harry walking in looking at Sirius for a moment then his emerald eyes looked right at the blue ones. Sirius took it as his cue to leave the room and once the door closed, Harry sat next to Adeline on her bed. Adeline knew he had to get his mind off whatever had happened at St. Mungos.

"Why don't we go to Diagon Alley? Christmas is tomorrow and I have to go get some last-minute gifts." Adeline said but more telling him.

"Yeah that be nice actually but can it just be the two of us?" Harry didn't want Ron and Hermione because even though they stay quiet and stay by Harry's side, they do judge him slightly but never say anything against him and he didn't want any of that currently. He knew Adeline never judges and she is pretty straightforward, especially to Harry.

The two got ready and only told Cedric they were leaving for Diagon Alley since they knew if they told anyone else that they would immediately make everyone else go. Cedric apparated with them there and then he apparated back to Grimmauld Place.

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