Chapter 58

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2 months later and it was now August 19.

Wedding day.

The 2 months had been peaceful since the whole planning was done in May and all that needed to be practiced was the song Harry and Adeline needed to practice for their first dance.

Adeline was standing on the balcony looking over at the final flowers being set and overall the final touches being done with the guests coming in and sitting down.

Allison and Cedric wanted to have the wedding in the Diggory manor backyard. The girls were getting ready in Allison's old room that she had there while the boys were in Cedric's old room.

She was extremely excited but as well sadden by the fact that Julianne and Amos wouldn't get to see this.

"Adeline are you ready?" Sophia called.

"Yeah I am, do we need to get kicked out already?" Adeline asked. She laughed as Sophia nodded.

Allison had requested that only her mom would be the only person to know her dress before she walked down the aisle so she had wanted Adeline and Sophia out of the room while she was getting into her dress.

"Crazy to think in only 30 minutes that they will be married," Sophia commented.

"30 minutes and I bet the boys aren't ready yet," Adeline laughed as they walked down the halls to Cedric's room.

Zacharias had taken care of getting Teddy and himself ready in Adeline's old room so she wouldn't have to worry much about Teddy. The two had gotten closer as friends and often be seen together but they were nothing more than friends.

"Are you boys almost ready?" Adeline asked as Sophia knocked on the door.

"Yes almost!" Cedric shouted, "We will be ready on time, hold on I'll open the door-"

"Don't! Allison doesn't want any of us to see each other until we are ready to walk down the aisle!" Sophia shouted.

"Alright well 30 minutes and we will be down!" Harry shouted.

The girls then walked off into Adeline's old room and was met with a half-naked Teddy.

"Thank Merlin you're here! He doesn't want me to get him ready and I still need to finish getting ready!" Zacharias exclaimed as he looked relieved Adeline and Sophia walked in.

The girls laughed as they both went to finish dressing Teddy. He had just recently turned 2 and they noticed that he is a metamorphmagus, just like his mother.

"What color hair are we wearing today Teddy?" Sophia asked as she was putting his little suit on.

"Adeline, do you know how to tie a tie?" Zacharias called out from her bathroom.

She walked over and laughed at his unsuccessful attempts.

"7 years in Hogwarts and you still never learned out to tie a tie?" Adeline joked.

"No, my roommates had always tied it for me but now I realize that I should really know how to tie one," Zacharias laughed then he took a moment to look at her, "You look beautiful Adeline, orange suits you."

"Thank you, Zacharias," She smiled as she finished fixing his tie. Her hair was curled and a couple of strands pulled back and she had a little more makeup on than usual.

"But even in heels you won't be as tall as me," He joked.

"Shut up and hurry up," Adeline laughed.


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