Chapter 14

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Hagrid's back and Knowing

"Cedric, how is your essay going along for Snape?"

"I'm having some trouble with it but it's going along fine, Alex has been helping me." The Diggory siblings were walking down the courtyard after their classes. Adeline opened her mouth but was cut off by Harry running up to her.

"Addi! Addi! Oh hello Cedric and now I haven't forgotten to give to the map and the cloak, I'll give them to you after dinner-"

"Oi! You never let me use them." Ron said to Harry.

"Cedric needs it for his date. Now Adeline come on Hagrids back!" Harry exclaimed excitedly as Adeline's face had a huge smile. Harry was reaching to grab her hand but was cut off by Hermione letting out a huff of annoyance which caught Adeline's attention.

Things between the girls have been awkward but Hermione has been making it awkward. It's been 2 weeks since they got back from winter break and Adeline has tried every single day to talk to Hermione but Hermione doesn't even acknowledge her presence and simply walks away from her. 

Parvati and Lavender noticed the tension right away from the 2 girls and were confused just like Adeline. It was even more awkward for their friend group, Harry and Ron were furious at Hermione for not even noticing Adeline as a person and tried to hang out with both of the girls equally but Adeline felt like a bother to the group so instead, she spent time with Cedric, Theodore, and Neville. Adeline knew she was in the wrong for shouting at Hermione but she didn't feel in the wrong for calling out Hermione.

"I uh um don't think it's a good idea for me to go," Adeline said moving her hand away from Harry. Harry and Ron turned to Hermione simultaneously and threw her a glare.

"Come on Adeline we have nothing else to do," Ron said turning back to Adeline.

"I can't, besides I have to finish my essay for defense."

"We didn't have an essay for defense."

"Right well uh I have to go to McGonagall for help in Transfiguration."

"You are the best in Transfiguration in our year and don't need help considering the fact you tutor the younger years and even Ron and me."

"Look I don't think it's a good idea for me to come alright," Adeline said looking towards Hermione but as soon as she made eye contact with Hermione, Hermione immediately looked away.

Cedric was watching the scene play out and was utterly confused by Hermione's sudden action but knew something was off. He glanced at Hermione while Adeline and Harry were going back and forth. Cedric noticed the guilt on Hermione's face every time she looked up but looked up to no one in particular. Why does she look guilty when she won't let Adeline talk? Cedric thought to himself but his thoughts were cut off by Adeline and Harry's bickering.

"Besides Adeline and I have to finish Snape's essay, remember Snape is giving Adeline NEWT Potions work but since she's not taking the actual class and just doing the homework, she uses my notes and we work together," Cedric said to finally stop the bickering which worked and Harry sighed.

"I'll see you later alright?" Harry said to Adeline.

"Yeah, the party is tonight so," Adeline said smiling at Harry which he returned. Harry hugged Adeline then brought his head down slightly to kiss her forehead and walked off. Ron said his goodbyes to the siblings and Hermione only gave a nod to Cedric acknowledging his presence but walked off immediately.

"Still nothing?" Cedric asked looking down at his sister sadly.

"I'm a ghost to her." Adeline sadly smiled looking at Hermione back as the trio was running down to Hagrid's.

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