
The Following Night.

After finding out what her children endured, mama Elease was on a mission.

She knew her ex husband was in prison so she couldn't get to him, but she could get to his sister.

Janice lived an hour away, in Albermarle.

Both of em sick as fuck. Molesting not only your child, but your nephew also?


Elease didn't understand how she missed the signs, but when she looks back she noticed how withdrawn Kasim had been.

How his grade's suffered, how he was always gone just to avoid seeing family.

It all made sense.

She was the same way after her dad molested her too.

She had one thing on her mind, and that was to beat the living shit out of Janice.

And if her ex husband came home sooner than later she'd kill him.

He's the reason she wasn't around.

Forcing drugs down her throat, shooting her up and everything so he could take advantage of her without her disobeying him.

Her tears were blurring her vision but she was almost there.

She felt defeated, destroyed.

Why couldn't she fight ? She wanted to be there for her kids thats why every chance she got she'd go to rehab and try to get sober.

Things would go well; then here came her ex husband and she was right back where she started.

Sighing deeply, she quickly wiped her tears as she pulled into Janice's driveway.

She married a rich white man, all the brothas couldn't stand her ass.

She forced a smile on her face as she went towards the front door and knocked a few times.

Shortly after, a tall white man with curly brown hair and bright blue eyes appeared.

His eyes widened, "oh my god! Janice, your sister in law is here. Please, come in!" He was enthusiastic but mama Elease didn't wanna go inside.

"Hello, I actually can't stay long. Can you have Janice meet me out here? Its really important," she mustered a fake smile.

"Of course, its so nice to finally meet you after these years. I'm John," he put his hand out and Mama Elease shook it.

"One moment," he walked off and soon enough; Janice came outside and shut the door.

"Hey sis, how you been?" Janice had a smile on her face, you could tell she got work done.

No wrinkles or smile lines when she gave Elease a smile.

"Hey, I'm fine. We need to talk," Elease was calm, but sure enough she was ready to explode.

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