Y/N: I just asked if you guys had any suggestions, and that is what you said. But I won't mention you guys.

Gene: Perfect. I already lost my legs, I can't lose any more of my body.

They hear knocking and Gene pulls up a camera feed on the TV. It's Lucy who is back from work.

Y/N: I really need to give her a spare key.

Y/N gets up and goes to open the door for Lucy. Lucy is surprised by the sight on him and tries to not look him in the eyes. Y/N knows that this is about the night when she was affected by the Red Lotus aphrodisiac.

Y/N: Hey Lucy, how was work?

Lucy: It went well. Most people just came for a quick drink and left. Some of them though got so drunk they decided to go down the garbage chute.

Y/N: Weird. So Lucy. I wanted to ask if you are interested in, going around town together?

Lucy begins blushing at the question.

Lucy: Uh, are you inviting me out on a date, Y/N?

Y/N: I-if that's okay with you. I just want to talk to you, maybe have dinner, and that's all.

Lucy: O-okay. Sure, just let me get ready.

Lucy walks past Y/N and goes to her room. Y/N then goes to his room and puts on his clothes.

Kenny: Hey bud, where are you going?

Y/N: On a date with Lucy.

Gus: She invited you on a date?

Y/N: I invited her.

Gus: That's even better! You go boy!

Sweezy: You ain't going to take us? I can give you advice on what girls would like.

Scarlet: I think it'd be better if they were the only ones on this date.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm trying to make things less awkward between us, and I need to do this on my own.

Sweezy: Okay, you two have fun.

Kenny: Hey, if you can, bring back some Gatterall. I'm kinda hungry for it. It's been days since I ate some.

Gus: Yeah, bring back some Gaterall if you get a chance.

Y/N: I'll try. See you guys later.

Kenny: Take care.

Y/N leaves his room and goes to wait for Lucy on the porch. Lucy comes out and Y/N can tell that she smells really nice.

Lucy: Okay, so where do you want to go first?

Y/N: How about a movie?

Lucy: Yeah. There's a new movie I've been waiting to come out. It's called "Lunar Harmony". It's literally the only movie that doesn't all about drugs, violence, and sex.

Y/N: We could use a movie like that. Let's go, I'll even pay for our seats.

Lucy: Oh, thanks.

Y/N and Lucy go to a movie theater and look for whatever theater is playing the movie. Y/N pays for the 6-D theater since it's the cleanest one out of all of them.

Manager: Okay, and since you are the only ones who chose the premium theater, you get free popocorn and soda.

Lucy: We're the only ones that pick the premium theater? How come?

Manager: I don't know, something about the shitty ones just draw most people in. Hell, like the alien cum that random short guy is selling to random shitheads.

Winners Don't Do Drugs (Male Reader x High On Life)Where stories live. Discover now