Sex and the Blim City

Start from the beginning

Y/N: I'm just going to head over there now, or else this story won't progress anywhere.

Gene: Good idea, Good idea. But take this blaster. It's disguised as a bracelet. Don't want people to steal your Gatlians while you're there. I'm going to work on making the rooms sound proof. So, you know, Nobody hears nayone while they're trying to sleep. Good luck.

I leave the house and head to Little Anima. I get on the train and see the TVs talking about my actions bringing some form of order back to Dreg Town. There have also been talks with "B-Cubers" about their opinions and desires to meet me. I got a mission to stop a potential Trafficking ring. I reach the district and walk through it. I see a Rabbitan looking at me from an ally and I walk closer to her. But I ready my blaster in case its a trap.

Rabbitan: The big bad bounty hunter. Looks like a Norman, but hails from Planet Earth. Amy told me about you after you killed Douglas.

Y/N: Do you have any information information on the missing people?

Rabbitan: For a thousand Pesos, I can tell you what I know.

I grab a 1,000 Pesos pouch and hand it to her. She accepts it and leans her head to my ear.

Rabbitan: There's a new nightclub in the district called "The Red Lotus". On the third night there, those who go in don't come out. People go just to prove that it's a stupid rumor. But as you know, it always goes badly. It's a black an red building, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Y/N: Thanks.

I keep walking and see a tall Red and Black building in the center of all the others, just as the woman said. I head toward it and see all the people that are checking it out. Many of them look like wealthy or influential people. Suudenly, female wolvoid appears and takes a picture with me.

Wolvoid Girl: You're the new Bounty Hunter, Right? If you're looking for a fun time, you've come to the right place

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Wolvoid Girl: You're the new Bounty Hunter, Right? If you're looking for a fun time, you've come to the right place. Let me get you inside.

She drags me to the enterance where the bouncer halts us.

Wolvoid Girl: He's with me.

Bouncer: If he's with a pretty lady like you, then that's fine by me.

The two of us go into the building and we enter an elevator that goes down. We then go to the desk with a blue alien behind it.

Blue Alien: Alright you two, one you enter, it's your choice to leave or not. And if you need to ****, you need to pay 60 Pesos for a room. If you want them to be soundproof then you need to pay 120 Pesos.

I get dragged into the main room where dozens of people are dancing to the intense music playing.

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