Touya grit his teeth as the store clerk dismissed him, his fifth straight attempt to get a job

He put on a fake smile, "Please sir... I need a job. Mom's sick and we don't have enough money to"

"Save it, kid. You aren't the first one to try that around here. I can't look after every stray that shows up."

Touya bit his lip as he buried the urge to use his quirk, leaving the store before he burned it down in his rage.

God fucking dammit...

No one wanted to hire him. They kept thinking he was a kid because of how short he was. He couldn't even prove them wrong because he didn't have an ID on him.

How the fuck am I supposed to get an ID anyway? I'm technically dead, aren't I?

He groaned inwardly as he headed back home, stopping by a gas station for some food for him and Shoto to eat.

We still have enough money for about a week... Maybe I can trick someone into letting me-

"... Endeavor's youngest child has been reported missing. The perpetrators are still at large but Endeavor is asking all of his supporters for help to..."

Touya felt the world freeze over as he heard a television. He looked to the news, the anchor switching over to a live broadcast with Endeavor at the helm.

"My son has been taken from me. I tried to find him to not disturb the public, but I can't risk it any longer..."

Touya watched with growing dread as Endeavor bowed in front of the camera, his head hung low as he pleaded.

"Please... If anyone can find him please bring him back home."

Touya watched with growing nausea as the station turned back to the reporter, teary-eyed as she gave her heartfelt condolences to the hero.

"There you have it folks. Our number two hero is asking for help, so if anyone sees him please contact the Endeavor agency or the police..."

There was a picture of Shoto displayed on the screen, taken before his burn to show his bright smile and heterochromatic eyes.

"...his quirk is ice and fire, and he is said to have a burn on his left eye from a kitchen accident. If anyone can..."

Touya didn't stick around to hear the rest, dropping the food he was going to buy as he rushed back to his brother. To the house, they had been staying at for the last two weeks.



Shoto was waiting in the new house, having iced the door shut as Touya told him to.

When is Touya going to get back...

Touya had been leaving to get them food and look for a job during the day. He hadn't let Shoto come along because he would be too recognizable with his scar.

Maybe I can surprise him-

He shifted as he heard frantic running from the back window, the entrance Touya had told him to leave open so he could get in and out.


Shoto paused as he heard Touya's frantic voice, "I'm here Touya."

Touya rushed into the main room, breathing out in relief as he saw his brother waiting for him.

Thank god...

He checked over Shoto, ignoring the confused look he was getting in response.

"What's going on Touya?"

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