'Has there ever been a time where you've had to go hungry because of it?' I ask her and she nods. 'That's awful.' Elizabeth says.

Hannah gets up and starts brushing her hair.

'I love the red hair.' I say walking closer to her. 'Thank you, I dyed it because of Natasha and Wanda. I also was just really bored.' She shrugs with a smile.

'What colour was your natural hair?' Lizzie asks. 'The same colour as scarlett's, little bit darker though.' I smile to myself at the thought of her natural hair.

'You can borrow my stuff, just help yourself, makeup or whatever.' I say, hopefully she accepts. 'Thank you.' She smiles and lifts her arms up when she ties her hair up, the light hitting them more.

My eyes go wide, she swiftly leaves after that.

'Elizabeth did you see that?' I ask quietly. 'See what?' She says confused. 'Her arms. They're scarred.' I say... trying to determine whether i'm worried or confused. 'No, I didn't. Just relax a little, wait for her to come back out.' Lizzie says softly as I sit down.

'What does that mean? Why are they like that?' I question borderline frantically. 'Some people who struggle, hurt themselves, whether it's starving or cutting themselves. If i think you're saying what I think you're saying, that might be it.' She says quietly. 'She wouldn't do that?' I spoke, more as a question. 'Just stay calm and wait.' Lizzie says, rubbing my shoulder.

The door opens from behind us.

'Forgot my clothes, I didn't use any of your things, I can't be bothered with makeup.' She smiles politely.

'Hannah can you come here a minute?' Lizzie asks. 'Yeah, my clothes are over there anyways and I kinda need those.' She quips.

'Are you okay?' Lizzie questions her. 'Yeah? Of course I am?' She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

Lizzie holds her hands in hers, then rubs her thumbs over the backs of hannah's wrists.

'Oh...' Her eyes widen in realisation.

'So I'll ask you again. Are you okay?' Lizzie asks softly and she just nods.

'Okay. Keep getting ready honey.' Lizzie says softly, gently stroking her thumbs over hannah's.

She gulps softly and nods, pulling her hands free and quickly scurrying off to the bathroom.

'It's not your fault scarlett.' Elizabeth says quietly as she hugs me. 'It is. Oh god it is. This isn't how it was supposed to happen.' I whine.

She just keeps hugging me until we hear the bathroom door unlock.

She's just wearing what she wore yesterday, cute little pink converse, reminding me of the ones from her final photo.

'Fancy getting hotel breakfast?' Elizabeth asks us. I reply with a soft 'yeah'. Still trying to process what happened.

She calls Dana while we're walking there.

'Hey Dana, I'll meet you at the entrance to comic con, is that okay?'

'Okay got it I'll meet you there, how are you?' She asks Dana.

'That's good. I'm okay.' She smiles.

'Yeah I'll talk to you later, i love you. Tell your parents I said hi.' She says as she hangs up.

'That Dana?' Elizabeth asks. 'Yup. She's meeting me somewhere.' She says.

'Man! My instagram blew up!' She says stopping to look at her phone. I furrow my eyebrows and look over her shoulder.