6- Sports Festival

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I rub my eyes, sitting up slowly, and letting go of the blondes hand in the process.
"I can't change his fate."
"What do you mean you can't change his fate?"
I walk over to the coffee maker, the three of them standing up, while I start a pot of coffee.
"If I said that dying isn't his fate, it's the fate of the villain, would you be mad at me?"
The blonde garbs me by the collar, getting all up in my face.
"You're going to fucking fix this, if you don't I'll fucking kill you."
I look his face up and down, before grabbing his wrist and moving it up to my neck, giving a light squeeze.
"Go ahead, kill me. Watch as at least thirty plus heros come after you because I am the downfall of All for One."
I shut my eyes, knowing he'll let go in a minute. Once he lets go, I open my eyes, walking back to the couch, hearing him scoff, but follow.
"I only know Midoriya, and even that is vague. So who am I telling all this confidential information to?"
"Shoto Todoroki."
I look at the candy cane, nodding in acknowledgement.
"I'm Bakugou, Bakugou Katsuki."
I look at the blonde, nodding at him too, before staring back at the table.
"I'm going to ask you three first, but then the heroes later. If you ever run into a villain would you collect their DNA? I mean it doesn't have to be that much, it could be a strand of hair the size of a blueberry."
I pray to God they get the hint, blue hair is all they need. But many people have blue hair, I groan, thinking of what else to use to try and describe the villain.
"Ooh, and if you could grab eyes like Bakugou's and put them in a jar for me that would be wonderful."
"No way are you taking my eyes you damn bitch!"
I roll my eyes, looking at Midoriya who's mumbled some strategy. I put my forehead in the face of my palm.
"Rethink everything I just said, and put it towards their future."
Todoroki clicks on first, furrowing his eyebrows in thought.
"Blue hair, and red eyes like Bakugou's."
I nod to Todoroki, and the other two look at him, a glint of anger.
"Now who do you think it will be? You three can leave, tell Aizawa to meet me in the lounge after school ends. I need to find Nezu."
I get off the couch, pouring myself a cup of coffee before leaving to Nezu's office. I knock on the door before entering, not waiting for a response.
"Nezu, we need to talk."
I hear a humm in response, sitting down in one of the chairs in his office.
"I understand, I got word from Aizawa that you spoke with Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki. He also said that you needed to meet with the heroes."
I nod, laying down fully on the couch and scrolling through my phone.
"Yes, and tell Aizawa to bring the three I talked with."
I watch him yawn, then turn my attention back to my phone.

Nezu leads me to a conference room, we had to move there due to having a whole lot of heroes gathered. I open the door, letting Nezu walk in before I shut the door.
"Do we have everyone?"
I look to All Might at the head of the table, in which he nods.
"Alright let me start, because I can't speak of a fate seen or it will come true, Todoroki, would you kindly repeat what we discussed in the lounge earlier today?"
He nods, sitting up a bit straighter.
"Bakugou ends up dying in the future at the hands of a villain. Though when Aku tried to fix it, she realized that it wasn't Bakugou's fate that was killing him, it was the villains. The villain has blue hair and red eyes, hypothetically said by Aku."
Mutter starts around the room, voices sounding panicked and surprised.
"So what does that have to do with us?"
The whole room goes quiet, any questions needing to be asked put at bay.
"I need his DNA, even dead skin cells can help me. Even if it was air he breathed it can help. All I need is something related to him, stuff he could have touched years earlier will still have traces of him on it. Anything we can find."
I look around the table, making eye contact with some of them.
"As for Bakugou, I think we should keep someone by him at all times, but it won't be much of a problem because someone has firmly decided to do it."
I laugh at the way Bakugou barks out the question.
"Well if you take Midoriya and him, and put them side by side, they're hair and eyes would both make them a strawberry duo."
Midoriya mutters up a storm, but Bakugou gets it quickly, slamming his hands on the table.
"Shitty hair?!"
I laugh, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Yes, Kirishima will always be by your side."
"Aku did you just-"
"Seal the fate of Bakugou and Kirishima being friends, yep."
I watch as Bakugou groans, cussing up a storm as he leaned farther back into his chair. Aizawa looks at me, in which I nod, allowing him to speak.
"Back at the gym, you said there was a traitor, who?"
I shake my head.
"We need to lead them on, get them thinking that they have all of us at the palm of their hand, give them false information, anything to throw them off."
Most of them nod, talking with each other about the idea.
"I can't tell you who it is, because for me to be able to save them-"
I point at Bakugou.
"- some things need to play out through the traitor."
The heroes nod, understanding the situation.
"That should conclude most things. Any questions?"
"Do you know when the villain will appear to us?"
I hesitate, knowing when and if we wanted to get the DNA on the villain the USJ attack would have to happen. I slowly nod, looking down.
"I can't tell you anything about it, because we can get that DNA sample if it happens."
"This isn't helping jack shit!"
I watch as Bakugou stands up at his outburst, slamming his hands on the table.
"I know that I'm about to die, and this is all you have to say to me?!"
I sigh, walking up to the edge of the table and placing my hands on it, feeling the cold wood.
"Sit down. I need to go back a few hours and have him forget any of our conversations later today. I shouldn't have spoken to him in the first place."
I watch as mixed emotions go through his eyes, but he eventually sits down. He runs a hand through his hair, taking in a breath.

The next few weeks are packed full, heroes searching for the villain who caused Bakugou's death. After the meeting when I went to bed that night, I changed Bakugou's fate to where I never asked him to meet me in the lounge, and we never had that conversation. Midoriya, Todoroki, and most of the heroes still remember, but the parts with Bakugou were cut out. I had a major amount of work that seemed huge but was really just a few papers that took forever to do.
"Aku, dress up! We're watching the sports festival today!"
I sigh, ever since I met 1-A, students kept bugging me about anything and everything they could find in their mind. Trying to start conversation in the hallways when I passed by, saying a little hello, in which I kindly rejected all attempts to get my attention. I walk down the hall to the kitchen, and my mother gasps, taking my hand and dragging me back to my room.
"No way are you wearing sweatpants and a hoodie! Come on, I want to dress you up!"
I groaned, ever since I had met with Midoriya and Todoroki, she thought I had a thing for them. She threw some clothes in a pile, comparing one to the other till she came down to a high waisted skirt with spandex, white shoes, and two shirts. One shirt was a pink short sleeve that said 'brat', then the second was a skin tight baby blue long sleeve that was cut along the sides of my waist, stopping under my tits. I picked up the long sleeve, putting it on, no questions asked. I put on the shoes and looked in the mirror, surprised that the person there was actually me. I picked up my small purse with essentials, left the room with mom, and we were on our way.

The sports festival was huge, food carts, games, everything was in and out of this huge stadium. When me and mom met with the other teachers, I heard that I was going to give a speech at the sports festival, then let the class representative give a few words.
"How many minutes till I give the speech?"
Hizashi looks at his watch, counting the time with his fingers.
"Approximately 12 minutes."
I groan, having not prepared a speech at all for today. I walk around for five minutes before walking out onto the field and standing next to Midnight. After the full twelve minutes are up, they start calling out classes. One by one each class comes out, me having to figure out what I need to say for everyone to be hype about this sports festival. Once all the classes are out, cheering and screaming is all that anyone can hear. I watch as Midnight steps forward, me following close behind. She starts to explain.
"Hello everyone! Let me tell you, are we ready for this year's sports festival?"
There's an uproar of cheering, causing my ears to ring for a minute.
"This year's newbies really turn me on. All so strong and independent."
She hums in approval, biting her lip, then looking back to the crowd.
"To give us the opening speech, you might not know her, but you will now, Aku Kayama!"
I take the mic from her hand, waving at the screaming crowd.
I wave, and everyone laughs, repeating what I just said.
"Let's get this started I guess. I am very thankful for the heroes who are here or may be out working at this very moment. They all trained very hard to get to the position they are in today. Today is the day where all these students get scouted for an internship. How much do you want to bet they didn't know that?"
The crowd laughs and cheers, and I laugh myself, seeing the shocked faces from the students behind me.
"I also want to give the people who made it into UA and the people who tried a pat on the back. All you people trained hard to either get a spot at UA, or try your very best to be able to take a spot at the school. Just because you failed doesn't mean there isn't a different story for you to take, for you to preservier towards. Personally, I wouldn't want to be a hero, I wouldn't like putting my life on the line. But I do like saving people, so I use my quirk to make that happen. If you can't be a hero or you're scared of putting your life on the line, get a job that is second to a hero. You could be a surgeon and get considered a hero because you saved a kid who would have died without getting that brain tumor removed."
The crowd goes wild, people shouting I love yous and other things toward me. I look back to the students, turning fully around before I start speaking again.
"These young men and women are the next generation of heroes. When they stepped into the school, they made an immediate vow that they would put others before themselves and put their lives on the line to stop the villains. Give it up for the next generation of heroes!"

Daughter of Midnight (bnhaxoc!reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora