1- Beginning

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"Was there anyone else inside, other than the girl?"
The blonde male shook his head, turning to stare at the toddler who glared straight at the fire ahead of her. He knew it would be bad to give her back to the person who told the heros to leave her in the burning apartment building. She was holding something, which she moved, embracing whatever she was holding tighter, before relaxing again. He was about to walk to her, but as he was about to, she turned toward him, looking at him directly, before proceeding forward. When she was a foot away, she collapsed, falling Infront of him, asleep. He grinned just a bit, only noticeable by people if they were close enough, and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. She looked to be around 6-7, when he got a good look at her. Skinny, pale, dirt on her face, and bags under her eyes, there were blisters on her palms. The thing she was holding earlier wasn't what he had expected. It was a stuffed cloud that was barely even a cloud with how shredded it was, the only way you could tell was by the somewhat kept shape of it, and the huge black eyes. What surprised him though was the ring inside of it, which he tried to put around the girls thumb but it was a bit big.
"Hey, All Might! what are you-"
All Might shushed the louder blonde, in which the louder blonde made a physical 'o' with his mouth, eyes widened.
"What should we do with her?"
"I don't kn-"
"All Might, who's kid are you holding?"
The two blondes looked to their left, see the R-rated hero Midnight approach them.
"She's pretty cute if I do say."
"Midnight, no. Please not kids."
She licks her lips seductively, looking from the girl to All Might.
"She's actually kind of skinny, like in a bad way."
Midnight had on a worried face, trailing her fingertips down her arm to the hem of her shirt. She lifted slightly, but the girl shifted, tilting more toward the warmth that held her. Midnight tried again, lifting slightly, and gasped, letting the shirt fall.
"We need to get her to Recovery Girl immediately."
Before All Might could process, Midnight was running toward Recovery Girl and the ambulances nearby. The two blondes followed suit, running after Midnight who held the kid, catching up rather quickly.
"Recovery Girl! We need you over here! It's bad!"
The people around looked at Midnight shocked, she usually said everything in a sexual context, though that also meant this was serious. Recovery Girl rushed over, and Midnight lifted up the girls shirt, looking at her back. It was horrible, all bloodied to where you could see her tailbone. But what made it bad was the lines marking it all up, there was a word carved into the middle of her back, 'Yowai'. It meant weak.
"Whose kid is this?! Who would do this to someone?!"
All Might put a hand on the other blondes shoulder.
"Present Mic, we need to keep her with us. If the parents come to us asking for her we have all the reason to arrest them on the spot."
"Arrest who?"
All Might looked beyond Present Mic, a dark haired male asking. They informed him on the situation.
"So I think she goes to the hospital, and after she wakes up we see who we need to find. After that we move on."
"Sh-I mean Eraserhead, isn't that a bit cold?"
The male shrugged, looking down at the girl.
"Do you have anything better?"

The girl jolted awake, hearing the faint beeping, and looking around at the white walls. This wasn't the basement, was she saved? Or was mother looking for her? She grabbed the needle in her arm and took it out, jumping off the edge of the bed. Before going anywhere she took her shredded stuffed cloud and ran out the door. Her back hurt, but she ignored it, because that's what you do with all pain. Mother had told her that, no one cares what your pain is or how you feel so don't say anything. People gave her weird looks as she ran through the halls, toward the door. She knew how to read and listen, it was the speaking she couldn't quite do.
"Stop the young girl! She can't leave the building!"
Blood was dripping down her legs now, but she was running faster now, just a few yards from the exit. Then there was dust, pink dust, which surprised the girl, but she kept running, not knowing what direction she was running in. It was hard for her to keep her eyes open, and she stopped walking altogether.
The girl fell, clutching the cloud close to her chest.
"All Might we got her."
Midnight responded calmly, picking up the girl in a partially blood soaked hospital gown. She looked at the girls back, seeing the few stitches that had been done were broken. She sighed, carrying the girl back to her room before she was questioned by the press.

Daughter of Midnight (bnhaxoc!reader) Where stories live. Discover now