3- School

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"Aku! Time for dinner!"
Running steps were heard in which Kayama chuckled. The girl jogged to the kitchen, trying to look at what the woman was cooking.
"I hope you like it."
The girl nodded, walking over to the table and sitting down. Kayama set out all the food and plates, sitting across from Aku.
"I'm giving you a bath tonight, no questions asked. You've been in a hospital for over a week without one shower."
Aku laughed, having downed half her plate already.
"I understand."
Kayama tilted her head, she was kinda confused.
"So what happened to you while you were uhm.. owned?"
Aku stopped her spoon two centimeters away from her mouth, and looked to Midnight.
"It's okay if you don't want to answer, but it would really help if you could tell us what happened while you were there."
"It's fine. It was mostly chores like laundry, cooking, and other stuff."
"What kind of other stuff?"
The girl pursed her lips, squeezing her spoon tightly.
"Have you ever had to dress someone without touching them? Had to be a prostitute because someone didn't like their wife? Had to be beaten half to death because you missed a spot when cleaning the dishes? Had to be a moving target for people who were training with guns in the back woods?"
Midnight was silent, having nothing to say to the girl, and Aku kept going.
"Have you ever had to try and remove a bullet from your own leg with no equipment but a kitchen knife? Had to watch after a woman's daughter because she never cared for her? Had to get beat for no other reason than to do it because it was fun? Had to cook with fingers that were broken? Had to be sold to men as a prostitute so that a family could have more money than they already had? Had to stay up everyday to be able to have clothes prepared for every person in the house? Had to watch someone get raped right in front of you? Had to be a human sacrifice so that every other person who was living in the same hell as me could escape? Watched as people killed themselves to escape that living hell? I didn't think so."
Kayama was choking on the silence, the girl had tears down her face, eyes completely blank, that just stared at her. Midnight had feared things, but this kids trauma may have been her worst. A chair was scooted back, breaking the solid tension, and Midnight gasped, taking a breath that she didn't know she needed.
"I'll be in my room, I'm pretty tired after that meal. Thank you Mrs. Kayama."
Midnight looked at her, and nodded.
" Ok, I'll bring you some school books that you can work on after I clean up. I'm going to bed after that. Also, there's no reason to be so formal, call me mom."
The girl smiled, walking to Midnight and hugging her around the waist.
"Thank you, mom."
Midnight smiled, and brought the dishes into the kitchen, Aku helping out with cleaning the kitchen.

The next day, Kayama had to work that morning, and left a note saying that someone named Hawks watch her until she got home. There was something beside it that had a post it note on the top of it labeled 'Aku's phone'. The girl picked it up, unlocking it with a swipe, since it had no lock on it yet. A few minutes into messing with her phone, there was a knock at the door.
The girl went to the door, putting her phone down in the process. She knew exactly why he was named Hawks, with wings bigger than her.
“Midnight told me to babysit you on my day off, so please just don’t bother me.”
Aku nodded, moving out of the way so he could come into the room. He sat down on the couch in the living room, looking around.
“Midnight said you had some crazy quirk or other, could you show me?”
Aku walked into the room, holding a tray which held two cups of tea. She set it down, then walked over to the blonde man with red wings.
“Close your eyes and lay back.”
The blonde lifted an eyebrow, but followed instruction.
“Mr. Hawks, if you would kindly answer, what kind of dreams do you like? Please be honest with me.”
The older man laughed, and tilted his head back further.
“Lose the formalities, just call me Kiego.”
He heard a hum in response. The cold fingertips of Aku touched his temples, but it was so light he barely felt it. Aku watched as his body slowly drifted to sleep, dreaming about some dream girl or whatever. She removed her fingers from his temples, sitting across from him, and scrolling through her phone while sipping tea. After a few minutes Hawks woke up, Aku having set out a bunch of books, ranging from math to american, and she was taking notes on all of it. Even answering some of it in another notebook.
“Wait, when did you get this stuff out? I close my eyes for less than a minute and you’re writing down notes. Is your quirk super speed?”
The girl in front of him shook her head, not looking up to meet his eyes. She kept writing, scrolled on her phone for a minute, wrote something else down, before finally making eye contact with the birdman.
“I made you fall asleep for about ten minutes, and dream about what you did.”
Hawks paused with his next words, looking at her, then at the papers in front of her.
“So what are you writing down?”
She looked at him again, still writing.
“Japanese Literature I, American I, Math I, and Techniques for Mental Quirk Users.”
Keigo's mouth dropped, and he stood up suddenly, Aku unflinching.
“So, you understand all of this?!”
The girl nodded, and rubbed the back of her neck.
“I can pop into others dreams, so back when I was in the hospital, I had Midnight teach me everything she knew of regarding education. Also, dreams seem shorter in our minds, than how they really are. So, instead I elongated the dream time to a few years in my point of view, but in reality it's only been a few minutes.”
The girl shrugged, looking down at the pencil that was still writing.
“I’m going to make a call real quick.”
The girl hummed in response, continuing to write. Kiego got into the kitchen and put a hand on the counter, so he fell asleep for ten minutes while she studied highschool material? How old was she? 7, 8? He scrolled through his phone, clicking on Midnight’s contact. She picked up after the second ring.
“Hey Hawks, what’s up?”
“Who is she? The girl that I’m taking care of, why is she so important that I had to babysit her?”
He heard a sigh from across the line, and the shuffling of objects.
“Look, I’m on the clock right now. I’ll tell you once I get home at seven, okay?”
Kiego shook his head and responded over the phone.
“No, you need to tell me why she’s studying highschool material at what? Seven, eight years old?”
There was an explosion in the background, a second later, the building shook a bit.
“Look, she was making me teach her anything I knew about an education in a dream. Ranging from preschool to my highschool teaching career. I’ll give you more details when I get home alright? That’s if you even want to stay for me to give an explanation.”
“Alright, I’ll see you then.”
“Keigo, can you help me with this problem?”
Aku was in the doorway of the kitchen, holding up a thick textbook and pointing to one problem. Before he hung up, he told Midnight.
“I better not be left out of something this important, if it’s as important as I think it is.”
A laugh was heard across the line, in which Kiego laughed with her.
“Yeah, hang up, Hawks, and help her with the problem.”
Hawks hung up, taking the book from the girl's hand and walking to the living room. Aku reached out to take his hand, but quickly dismissed it, putting her hand back at her side. Kiego noticed and took the girl's hand, smiling at her when she looked up to him. When she smiled, Kiego saw as the world stopped. It was the cutest smile he had ever seen, the two toned eyes clashing with her dark hair. He felt himself caring for her like his little sister, in which he accepted that, knowing that this girl needed all the care in the world. Once he sat down with her and put the book down, he rubbed his hands together.
“So, what problem was it?”

Midnight could hear laughing through the door when she got home, smiling when she found Aku laughing at Kiego who looked scared shitless.
“It’s natural to be scared of horror movies. But you find them amusing?!”
Aku laughed even more, rolling on the couch.
“When I get older and my quirk matures, I need content that will mentally hurt people if they try to kidnap me.”
Kiego put his hand on his heart, dramatically dropping to the floor.
“I can’t believe you would say that to your own brother.”
Aku laughed even more, but this time it sounded genuine. Her laugh was cute, small, a bit quiet, with snorts from time to time. When Midnight started laughing, the two of them looked at her, Aku running to her and giving her a hug.
“Welcome back mom!”
Kayama smiled, looking at Kiego, and mouthing a thank you. He crossed arms, giving a sly smile.
“You kindly owe me an explanation.”
She smiled and nodded, leading the three of them back onto the living room couch.
“What do you want to know, Kiego?”
“Let’s answer the big one, why is she important?”
Midnight nodded, watching Aku clean up the books and papers scattered along the table.
“I already know that she can give other people dreams, which isn’t a very good reason as to why we need to protect her.”
Kayama looked up to meet Kiego’s eyes.
“She control’s fate. Well, she can control fate. Whatever she dreams comes true, and she can move people or things in that dream any way she wants. When her quirk matures, she could be able to sleep subconsciously, and read into the future movements of her opponents just a second before it happens. She can make it to where quirks never existed when she’s able to look into the past. She’s in essence the downfall of All for One.”
Kiego nodded, looking at the girl who was stacking her notebooks in a pile.
“Okay, that answers all my questions.”
Midnight looked shocked, seeing Kiego get up and help Aku take the books to her room. Kayama smiled, hearing the girl laugh throughout the hall. They come back in a few minutes later, when a realization hits Kiego.
“Wait, so how is she going to go to school if she already knows all the material being taught?”
Kayama sweat dropped, realizing the mistake she had made.
“I actually never considered that, I mean, I could homeschool her till highschool, possibly college. Get verification of her graduation from UA.”
Kiego nodded, grabbing his phone off the coffee table in the living room.
“Okay, well I should probably go. Bye Aku.”
“Bye Brother.”
The girl waved, watching Kiego leave out the front door. Aku looked to her mother, seeing her look back and crouch and look at Aku from the same height.
“Do you want to go to a public school, or do you want to stay here and study as much as you want whenever you want with Kiego while Mom’s at work?”
The girl's eyes sparkled, doing a little happy dance before answering.
“Study with Brother Kiego!”
Midnight laughed, taking Aku’s hand, and walking her to her room.
“Did you already have dinner?”
Aku nodded, running into her room, and jumping onto the bed. Midnight helped her change, but as Aku changed she saw something she didn’t see from the beginning.
“Is that a tattoo?”
Midnight walked up to Aku, in which the girl responded by pulling down part of the waistband of her underwear, showing Kayama the small tattoo on her hip. It was a number, 009086, it was small enough to be covered by her underwear, but big enough that if she was naked you could see it. How did she not see it when she was giving her a bath?
“We can get it removed.”
Aku shook her head, putting both hands on the sides of her face, forcing her to look at Aku.
“People have already tried, but it always reappears.”
Midnight nodded, standing up and tucking Aku in bed.
“Goodnight Aku.”
“Night Mom.”

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