5- Answer

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I got up, about to walk to the door when mom grabbed my wrist, in which I turned around to look at her.
“Aizawa asked if you could join his class for training tomorrow.”
I nod, knowing I would have to go sometime to update him on how training is going.
“I will, I’m going to clean up my stuff in the lounge. I finished most of it, then I’m going to hit the gym.”
Mother nodded, letting me leave as other students came into the room. After cleaning up the papers and books strewn everywhere on the table, I walked to the gym. I had shoved a change of clothes into my bag, because I couldn’t grab my gym bag due to waking up late. So naturally, yes I would train till school was out for other students, and no I wouldn’t let other students train with me.
The next bell rang as I walked into the weightroom, it being quieter than above the clouds, which is surprising considering there’s a class next door. The door opens after at least an hour into my workout, showcasing Aizawa, and of course his whole class. I sit up, pausing my workout for now, when he spots me.
“Aku, what are you doing here? I told Midnight to tell you that if you came by again to come by my class and train with them, possibly even teach them so I can sleep.”
I laughed, seeing his expression as he was agitated. I stand up, and wipe my face with a towel, looking back to him and his class.
“So, I should be asking you, what are you doing here?”
“Well, my students were just coming in from a quirk assessment test, and the door we use is right by here. So when we heard noise I thought I’d check it out, though you probably already knew that.”
I nod, half laughing at the comment, before walking toward him. He makes room for me to pass in which I do, the students behind him moving also.
“So, is your work hard or is it still easy?”
He walks to my side, the students following behind like little ducks following the mother duck, I hold in a laugh.
“It’s kinda easy, takes a minute to figure out, but I get it eventually,the only thing hard about it is the amount of work they give you. Just today I was given two projects and an essay, the projects are due by the end of the week, and the essay, which I already finished, is due tomorrow.”
Aizawa nods, putting his hands into his pocket. I realize that Aizawa takes care of the hero course and stop walking all together. I look behind him at the students, seeing Midoriya, in which the blonde should be close by. When I see him, my eyes narrow, then turn back to the direction we were originally going.
“What is it?”
I hold up two fingers, putting them down as I spoke.
“One, dead, save them. Two, savior, save them too.”
I look over my shoulder, and spot a kid that was on the villain side in my dream. I hold up another finger and look forward.
“Three, traitor, save them.”
Aizawa’s eyes visually widen and he gets into a defensive stance. I reach up and pat his shoulder, in which he relaxes, deactivating his quirk.
“Not now. Things need to play out.”
He nods, and the walk back is silent, including most of the students behind us. Midoriya comes up to me, slightly tapping my shoulder.
“So who are you?”
“A nightmare you wish you never saw. Have I ever told you your eyes would look amazing in a glass jar?”
He looks at you weirdly, and I snap out of it, realizing my intrusive thoughts took over.
“Sorry, intrusive thoughts. But your green eyes and hair would mesh really well with blood, have you ever tried murder?”
I roll my eyes, looking back to the front, and crossing my arms.
“Alright, alright. I’ll stop Aizawa, geez.”
“You know that can change his fate right?”
“And you think I can’t just make it to where it never happened?”
He paused, then nodded, crossing his arms himself.
“You have a point.”
I laugh at the seriousness in his voice, nudging him with my elbow. We get to the front of the door, in which I wave to Aizawa.
“Oh, also, Aku.”
I look back, taking a few steps back to the classroom.
"All Might told me you did a background check on…. someone. What did you see?"
I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest in the process.
"I can't tell you who all was in it or what happened or that will be the only fate they can take."
He nods, looking down in thought.
"What does she mean that's the only fate they can take?"
I laugh, fully stepping into the room, then looking at Aizawa.
"Am I allowed to tell them who I am, or will I forever be a secret?"
Aizawa sighs, but nods, keeping his thoughts to himself. I clap my hands together, looking at the students in front of me.
"Alright, where to start? My name is Aku Kayama, I'm Midnight's daughter. I will not tell you my quirk, due to reasons of endangerment."
"What could be so fucking bad that you can't explain your quirk, you damn extra?!"
I look at the yelling blonde, and my eyes widen, he was the one who had died, and I couldn't tell him that. But, I could use hypotheticals to cheat the system and his fate would still be able to change based on that one question. I smirk, walking to the middle of the front of the classroom.
"If I told you that you were going to die in the near future, what would you think of me?"
That got the whole class going, muttering about the quirk. But Aizawa noticed, eyes widening, shoulders visibly tensing, and uncrossing his arms.
"Are you saying-"
I put my finger over my lips, telling him to shut it. No one noticed, but the person who was asked the question, a certain green haired male, and a candy cane at the back. I saw it, while sleeping subconsciously, but I wanted them to know. I smirk, and speak to him directly.
"Tell Midoriya, the blonde, and candycane to meet me in the lounge in ten minutes."
Aizawa nods, which I nod back, finally looking back at the class.
"We'll, it was nice meeting you guys!"
I wave, walking out of the class and to the teachers lounge. What felt like forever, the three of them walked in, in which I was currently sipping some coffee.
"Uhm.. Aku-san-"
"It's just Aku."
"Why are we-"
"Shut up you damn Deku."
"Fuck, red eyes too, and heterochromic too! I may have to take those for myself."
I smile, walking up to the three of them. I touch the blondes face and he immediately smacks my hand.
"Don't fucking touch me you damn bitch!"
I laugh, moving to candycane and tracing the scar over his left eye. I stop and back away from them, taking a seat on the couch, then motioning to the couch infront of me.
"Please sit, I have a lot to discuss."
Eventually, they're all on the couch across from me. I fold my hands together, looking at them.
"Do you understand why I asked you to come here?"
"Because Kacchan is going to die in his future?"
I look to Midoriya, smiling at the quick response.
"I can't answer directly, or that will be the only option for your childhood friend."
"This damn Deku isn't my fucking friend!"
I look between the two, sighing.
"Let me explain my quirk, because I know you three won't be traitors. Anything I dream comes true, or when I dream about something or someone specific, my dreams tell me their fate. I'm able to make mist to put people to sleep like Midnight, but through the mist or physical touch I can jump into others dreams or give them dreams. I can also change one's fate if I want to, by putting an idea, item, person, etcetera, in their way to the original fate, of course they can change it themselves, but most don't know how to make that change. By speaking in hypotheticals it cheats the system because- Midoriya, I know it clicked for you, but don't interrupt."
Midoriya shut his half open mouth, putting down his arm hoisted mid- air. The bewildered looks on the three of them got me laughing.
"Because if I speak of someone's fate, names, objects, other people in it, even descriptions, it will come true and there is no changing the result. Especially to the person directly, so people usually ask me to do background checks on someone or something they ask questions and I give vague answers that point in one direction."
The usual loud blonde was quiet, hands folded together in thought. Midoriya on the other hand was mumbling a storm, thinking of things a million miles a minute. Candy cane just stared at me, barely fazed at the mention.
"Wait, doesn't that mean you have to be physically asleep to be able to dictate the future?"
I nod, leaning back into the couch, crossing my arms.
"Yes, but I've gone through enough training to be able to sleep subconsciously and predict the fate of the next seconds to minutes of conversation, for me to see a full picture or many years into the future, I need to be fully asleep."
"So you already knew about this whole conversation?"
I shake my head.
"That's not how it works. If you three had chosen not to come here, then I wouldn't have known what this conversation would have been about. But because you decided to come, fate predetermined this exact moment."
Midoriya opens his mouth, then shuts it, and I point at him.
"Like that! Having the instinct to ask a question, but then changing your mind last minute. A second ago, I saw you asking a question, but when you were about to say it, fate changed to you saying nothing."
He nods, smiling at his achievement.
"So you're saying that we may never know what to avoid till the moment it happens?"
I can see the slight tremble in the blonde's hands, which quickly stops after he tightens his hold on each hand.
"Yes, though if you would like, I can change their fate. Would they like that?"
"Just say me dumbass!"
"Like I can, revert back to the contents of this conversation. I can't say names, but I can speak in hypotheticals to give hints. So would they like a fate change?"
He scoffs, eventually nodding. I stand up, walking behind the couch they're on. They all turn to look at me, which I shake my head, circling back to the couch I was on a second ago.
"You know what, I'm going to lay down on this couch, and all I need you to do is hold my hand so I can get a good in detail fate. I lay down, holding out my hand to the blonde.
"Let's do this."
After I feel the warmth of his hand, it fades to the same scene I had seen in Midoriya's future, but Midoriya wasn't there yet, and the blonde hadn't died yet. The scene goes into motion, the blonde blasting himself up, about to throw an explosion, when he sees something, ditches his attack and moves,pushing Midoriya out of the way, and taking a blow from a villain, stabbing him fatally. I stop the scene, reverting it back a few seconds. This time I watch Midoriya, seeing as he jumps up to meet the same villain that stabbed the blond. But mid jump he throws a punch, thinking it will do something, but when the dust clears, the villain throws an attack. That's where the blonde jumps in, shoves Midoriya, then gets stabbed. I go back a few seconds again, this time keeping it at a pause. I walk to one of the boulders behind him, dragging Endeavor to his feet to throw it at the villain before the tragedy happens. I play it out, but it ends with the blonde dead again. I think, reversing it for a few seconds again. I tried everything, but realized that the only way to change his fate was to change the villains themselves. I sigh, feeling myself wake up.

Daughter of Midnight (bnhaxoc!reader) Where stories live. Discover now