part 8; Oddities

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(4th Wall braking will accurately!!)

When Jimmy got up Scott was curled up on Jimmy's chest and as he layed there with the colourful other fast asleep. Jimmy felt like it had happened before but this thing was, was that the two never shared a bed in third life or any of the life series for that matter of fact... But he shrugged it off as it could just be something else.

'Wait what time is it?'

Jimmy looked over at Scott's clock on his bedside.

'Its only... five thirty... in the flippin' mornin'... Ugh I really wanna get food... But I can't leave I've got a boyfriend glued to me and he's peacefully asleep and looks adorable... But food! -No Jimmy it's Scott's place so be respectful... But food... NOOOOOO!!!'

Scott had woken up to see annoyed Jimmy looking at the clock... "...L-love what's wrong?" As Scott sat up Jimmy turned to him and sat up as well. "Nothing just annoyed at myself that's all" Jimmy had a smile of reassurance "Oh... What time is it anyway?" Scott was rubbing his eyes and Jimmy looked over at the clock... "Wow I've been annoyed at myself for about half an hour... Its 6" Scott settled down and curled back into Jimmy's chest. "5 more minutes..." Jimmy giggled "how about 1 hour in stead?" And he settled down and held on to Scott's head, playing with Scott's cyan hear.

But like perusal nothing can be as enjoyable as possible soon some how tnt went of and forced Jimmy and Scott put of bed to to see what was happening.

"What the, FWIP WHAT DID YOU DO!?"
"I ummm.... uhh well I ummm... Sorry..."
"Well your useless... Right you know what you can clean up your mess and I expect that you don't just do the top layer..."
"Y-yes sir..."

Scott turned and just kissed Jimmy on the cheek and headed back to bed...

"What did you two do last night?"

Fwip spoke as Jimmy smiled as Scott went back to bed and he turned to the the smoll other. With a sturn face...

"Fwip don't push it and get your mind away from that we only Cuddled..."
"You sure..?"
"Why do I even bother..?"

Jimmy couldn't be bothered to deal with Fwip so he went back and Fwip tryin' to be funny

( Being Himself I gue- ('Hay! I do a good job doing what I do...' Small hooman, elf, goblin thing shoo Shoo back to your cleaning! 'Whatever...' I'll get Scott... 'Don't you dare...' then get back to the plot!!! 'FWIP DO AS YOUR TOLD!!' 'Listen to the sheriff Small boy...
Anyway.... comedy... A+ Fwip! 'Thank you' SCOTT!!)

Fwip shouted to the peeved sheriff.


And Jimmy just went in side annoyed at Fwip, but then... Scott got a hold of him

(WITHER WHAT THE HELL!? What..? Don't... I'm not ganna do it you don't pay me enough Wither! Fine...Side story it is then... Right, let's get back on track- wait- NOOO!)

"I just wanna make out~"
"Scott... Your creeping me out..."

Scott put his finger on Jimmy's mouth.

"I said to shhh... So let me do this~"
"Don't worry hun~"

Scott kissed Jimmy on the lips as he had his hands on Jimmy's arms and he could feel him shaking.

(I don't like this... shush Narrator... I need this... Why did I accept this job? Cause I was the only other employer that could provide you with your requested money? Shoot yeah... 'W-What?' 'Jim love don't question it...')

Scott broke the kiss

"What's wrong dear?"
"Your not a-acting differently"

Jimmy had slight tears

"...J-just don't do it again..?"
"Fine, but tears don't look good on you..."

Jimmy just sat down and Scott felt guilt he didn't know what came over him... but he walked over to Jimmy and layed down on him letting Jimmy play with his hair.

(Shade... Why..? 'What..? I was bored and being as old as time and dealing with these idiots before hand I thought to just have some fun' Where's the spray bottle filled with venom? WITHER NOO!! 'I-I'm just ganna, BYE!!'
GET BACK HERE!! Ummm anyway...)

Fwip walked in to see Scott on Jimmy's chest with tear marks and playing with Scott's hair...

"What have you two been doing..?"
"Nothing... Now is the job done..?"
"Yes it is sir..."
"Good now leave and if you wanna talk to either one of us let us know... Not blow up part of out empire..."
"Y-yes sir bye to both of you..."

Now that Fwip was gone Scott just relaxed on Jimmy and enjoyed a song that Jimmy was singing.

(Welcome to Wonderland by Anson Seabra, because why not? Also if ypu wanna skip you can I don't mind)

"Welcome to Wonderland, we've got it all
Potions and pastries that make you grow tall
Forests and cottages, castles and cards that can talk
Welcome to Wonderland, look where you're at
Maddest of hatters, the Cheshire Cat
Magical cabins and lovely white rabbits with clocks
Dancing through a dream underneath the stars
Laughing 'til the morning comes
Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love
Welcome to Wonderland, I'll be your guide
Holding your hand under sapphire skies
Let's go exploring or we could just go for a walk
Welcome to Wonderland, where should we go
There's a tea party along down the road
Make an appearance and maybe they'll sing us a song
Dancing through a dream underneath the stars
Laughing 'til the morning comes
Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love
Nothing around here is quite as it seems
Not sure if anything's real or a dream
And the only thing sure from the start
Is the song that's inside of your heart
Don't let it leave
If this was a dream, then at least I've got
Memories for when morning comes
Now that I must leave with a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love"

When Jimmy finished his song he felt Scott smile.

"Where'd you learn to sing so well? And Where'd you hear that song? But I don't mind You sound just an angle..."
"Well thanks, and well my mum used to sing it to me when ever I got up set and I guess I got the talent from her..."

Scott sat up to look at his lover.

"Oh Hun... Come here you like your ganna cry..."

Jimmy placed his head on Scott slightly scared. And just let himself cry.'Shh, you OK, your safe and I'm here...' Scott would whisper to Jimmy till he fell asleep.

"You must've been holding alot back love..."

Scott then carried Jimmy to bed got him out of his sheriff cloths and into some pj's and Scott got into his pj's and settled down next to Jimmy.

'Love you...'

1169 words...

Wait why did I stop there..? Oh well thanks for your patience and I just lazy and disnt do the hats... guys 9 will be the girls cause yeah this was the boys. Seen you soon and again thanks for the wait and like perusal

Eat and drink plenty (don't worry if you have an eating disorder)

Sleep well

And have a great day/afternoon/evening/night and till next time. BYE MY DEAREST READER!!! ♡

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