"Okay, let's go my doves." She exclaimed referring to Quinni and Darren.

"What's going on?" I frowned.

"I gotta get them back before the sun completely sets." Amerie got up of her seat and we all followed her inside.

"I thought we had more time." I pouted.

"We'll FaceTime, babe." Darren said while hugging me.

"Write me." Quinni said as she did the same.

They took their bags and as they reached the door, I stopped them.

"I never thanked you guys for what you did for me back at Hartley's. You guys saved me and your friendship means everything to me."

"We love you too." Quinni replied with the most genuine smile.

I closed the door behind them laying my back on it and exhaled the breath I didn't realized I had been holding. Leaving your home was hard but leaving your friends was something my mind couldn't wrapped around. It hurt. I felt a knock behind the door, I wiped the tear out of the corner of my eye and smiled.

"What did you bitches forget?"

I swung open the door revealing Spider on my front porch. I gasped.

"Hope you're hungry." He said lifting the pizza box and grease stained brown bag.

I chuckled before grabbing the collar of his shirt, slamming his body onto mine as I kissed him.

"Starving." I said as I caught my breath in between kisses pulling him in my new home and kicking the door closed. Still kissing.

"Slow down, J." He chuckled as I took his jacket off his shoulders.

I finally pulled away from his lips. I couldn't believe he was here. Spider had been on my mind all day, wishing to the universe and to the stars to let me see him before the semester started. The stars listened. We sat on the floor, moving boxes circling us and the only light was the moon's.

"I swear, I have one." I exclaimed to Spider as I searched through the bags. "Ha Ha."

I wiggled the bottle to him as I sat back down besides him. Spider took another bite of his slice before putting it down and taking the bottle out of my hand.

"Tequila?" He rose an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips.

"Tequila." I stated.

"Alright." He chuckled opening it as he gulped about an ounce of it. He hissed as soon as the liquid touched his throat. I did the same few seconds later.

"So." I started. "Amerie's little plan?"

He laughed giving me the answer I already knew. She always had a tendency to be in the middle of our things. With her it was never mean but I knew it was never a coincidence too.

"How long can you stay?" I asked.

"Just overnight. I have to drive back in the morning, I have school."

I had forgotten.

"How was it?"

"It was already hard last year, it's even harder now that everyone left."

He looked sad and that made my heart dropped deep into my stomach. If I had the power to change things, I would. But I can't. And he cannot not graduate, that would be a waste of his future because he had one. We had one. And I couldn't wait for it. I kissed him softly.

"It's going to be alright." I paused. "I promise you."

He lifted his chin and faced me to my last words, he looked through his pockets, his gaze still focused in mine. He was all that mattered.

"Talking about promises." He started as he took out a small velvet box and opened it. I gasped as I put my fingers to my lips.

"A promise ring?"

"Yeah." He timidly grinned. "I don't want you screwing those college guys."

"You know," I sighed. "I would never. They are no you."

He took the ring out of the box and grabbed my hand in his. I spread my fingers and he slid it on my index. I smiled and jumped in his arms, giving him a million kisses on every part of his body.

"I promise I'll make you the happiest." Spider whispered in my face, his breath warm.

"Who said I wasn't already the happiest?" I joked before being serious again, I cupped his face with my hands. "Spider you are what are the stars to the moon. I cannot breath without you."

"And I cannot live with you, J. You are what's getting me through life right now. I can't wait to begin a life with you."

We kissed.

this was the last chapter before the epilogue *sniff sniff*

Before The Bell Rings - Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now