episode XXIII

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11H30 PM
Ant's band weren't that bad, they mostly did covers and the crowd was really feeling them. It was so fun watching Ant on stage, I felt like Penny Lane in Almost Famous, a kind of rockstar's girlfriend. Our boys were still backstage but Darren and I had decided to head over the bar. We were thirsty.

"Ugh. I don't know what to drink?" Darren groaned.

"Can I recommend you something?" The barmaid exclaimed to them. They raised an eyebrow and looked them up and down, admiring the view.

"With those eyes. Oh yes, you can." They flirted.

The barmaid laughed and proceeded to start making the drink.

"Make that two." Darren said giving me a cornered smile.

While waiting for our drinks, we turned around to face the stage and the crowd that was dancing to the other group's music.

"So, you and Cash. It's really over?"

"I don't think we want the same things." They shrugged clearly sad.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too."

I gave them a side hug before pinching their elbows getting their attention. We smiled at each other, trying to comfort one another.

"Here's your drinks." The barmaid said making us twirled to take our glasses. "Don't forget your napkin."

As we both walked away from the bar, Darren noticed the writing on the napkin.

"Come for a second round." Darren red out loud the note.

"Oh shit. They want want you."

We laughed and stepped into the booth to sat down besides Quinni.

"Oi! Where's Am?" I asked lowkey worried of her whereabouts.

Quinni pointed to the dance floor with the biggest smile on her lips. Darren and I followed her finger to see Amerie and Malakai dancing together. Having the time of their life like they used to.

"Finally." I exclaimed

"Get it girl!" Darren shouted while getting up and snapping their fingers.

We all giggled and started encouraging our friend from afar even if she probably couldn't  hear us, we wanted to give her our positive energy. I took a sip of my drink as I continued analyzing the crowd on the dance floor.

"Ugh, disgusting." I whispered to myself as I put away the drink.

Harper, Missy and Sasha were dancing together forming a small circle that no one could separate. I spotted Cash and some of his shady mates by the door, probably dealing. Finally, bodies were being pushed as Ant made his way to the booth followed by Dusty.

"You guys were awesome tonight!" I excitedly shouted as they sat down by the table. Ant giving me a hug before kissing me

"I've got the fuel." Spider yelled, popping out of nowhere. He put a liter bottle of vodka out of behind his back. We all gasped, that must have cost a fortune.

"Oh we're getting more than wasted tonight, dog." Dusty laughed while he went out of the booth to join Spider who was slowly dancing his way in the crowd. We all followed them. 

"2023's gonna be our year, baby!" Ant whisper-screamed in my ear with side smirk on his lips. I smiled right back at him, I wanted it to be true. So bad.

We danced and drank for quite some time. Eventually, Malakai and Amerie had joined us in our little circle but they still couldn't let go of each other. Spider passed his gigantic bottle around at the center of us all. He poured liquid in Missy's mouth before stepping closer to me.

Before The Bell Rings - Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now