episode V

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"I'm so excited for Slay Ball tonight!" Quinni exclaimed as we entered the school's grounds.

"Ugh, the pink washing that goes on around Mardi Gras is so gross." Darren sighed.

"Yeah, but it's queer X-mas." I replied as excited as Quinni.

At that same moment, Amerie jumped on us making us screaming in a high-pitch tone.

"Don't ever creep on us like that again!" I shouted, my heart still beating fast by her jump-scare. We continued walking, the foursome now completed.

"Where have you been all my life?" Darren asked to the black haired girl.

"I took a self-care day. I went to the beach, had some fish and chips, had some sex."

"What?" We all exclaimed, turning around to face her.

"Your girl dropped the V plates!" She shouted, proud of herself. "Am I glowing?"

"Twenty four hours ago you swore you would never touch a dick again and now look at you!" Darren stated.

"Who with. Wait let me guess-" I started.

"Malakai." She immediately responded. I could see the stars in her eyes. I was so fucking happy for her. She deserved it. "Don't get too excited. It's totally not a serious thing though I think we're both going to keep it chill."

As we entered the school, pride flags were hanging everywhere. Quinni took four of them and handed them to us. Darren analyzed the flag in their hand and sighed.

"This school is back on its gay shit."

The crowd in front of us slowly disappeared as we made our way to the doors. There, was Malakai standing with flowers and a Will You Be My Girlfriend balloon. Darren and Quinni chuckled at the picture while Amerie stand there shook.

"Yeah, that seems totally chill." I said to her.

The bell rang.

"We'll meet you at your locker babe." I added.

Darren, Quinni and I left Amerie with Malakai, thinking it would be less awkward for her.

She arrived with a straight face. Amerie put the flowers in her locker.

"So what did you say?" Quinni asked, excited and intrigued.

"I made some sort of whale sound. It wasn't a no but it definitely wasn't a yes." Amerie responded, laying her back on the cold blue metal.

"Well at least invite him to my pre tonight. Sort things out." Darren said, hopeful to make them a couple. "Cash will be there too."

"Uh, when did that happened?" I asked with a side smirk.

"Well, we want drugs so-"

"Uh uh." I cut them off, not really believing that they would only invite Cash for drugs. I had caught them multiple times staring at each other in class.

The second bell rang, we all started walking towards class. I had gym.

"Cash, my eshay baby." Amerie exclaimed in a somewhat seductive and mocking tone.

"Fuck off." Darren laughed.

The three of them went their way as I made mine into the gym lockers to go change. As I entered, I realized I wasn't in the right one,. Masculine voices were all I could hear and cheap Old Spice deodorant was all I could smell. Nobody could see me, a tiled wall was hiding me.

"My man. Acting all gentle and shit. Get 'em!"

I recognized Ant's voice.

"I haven't got her yet, bro."

Before The Bell Rings - Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now