episode XXXII

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"Zip me up, will you?" I exclaimed to my mother as I pulled my hair up so she could access the zipper to my dress.

She excitedly got up from the sofa and zipped my dress. She then turned me around so I could face her. With watery eyes, she looked at me up and down, a big smile on her lips.

"Mum, don't cry!"

"I'm so proud of you. You're graduating high school. This is a huge step."

"I know." I grinned.

"What time does Ant pick you up for Formal?"

"He should be on his way."

Her lips were still in a smile, her eyes glowing and I couldn't help but to gave her a smile myself.

"I'm going to my room to finish getting ready. Tell me when Ant's here, yeah?"

"Sure, honey."

I grabbed the dress in my hands, lifting it up so I wouldn't trip on it and walked upstairs to my bedroom.

"By the way, I put your clean laundry on your bed. You'll have to fold it. Thank youuu!" I heard my mother's voice echoed as I reached the second floor.

I grinned to the thought of doing laundry before Formal, I would never. I was going to wait after the big night at least. I sat at my desk, in front of my mirror and rambled through my makeup bag. I grabbed a few products to touch up my mascara and eyeshadow. I couldn't believe tonight was it. The last day of high school. Mine. Formal meant the last night I could be a child, a girl. Tomorrow meant the first day of womanhood, the college version of me. I had mixed-feelings, scared and excited. New area, new school and new apartment were huge steps and I hadn't give a thought about what was going to happen between Ant and I. Well, no. To be exact, I had given many thoughts but I had no clue how we would make it work out. I just hoped we did. We hadn't really talked about it. Suddenly, something caught my eye. Something out of place on my desk that I hadn't realized had been moved until now. I grabbed the book who had been placed upside down by the same someone who touched it. I opened it making a piece of paper fall onto my laps.

"What?" I whispered to myself, eyebrows frowned.

The paper was a tarnished brown and folded in four. I gently unfolded and placed it on my desk, near the light to clearly see what it was. I scoffed to what was in front of me. I was stunned and out of breath, my heart warming itself to the picture. As I heard footfalls coming from the stairs, I quickly folded the paper and hide it close to my heart, in my dress.

"Hey babe!"

"Hey, you." I stood up and went to hug him.

"You ready for this?" Ant asked as he presented his hand.

"Let's do Formal like it's our last." I smiled grabbing his hand.

"But it is our last."

"I know, Ant. It was a joke." I grinned as we walked downstairs and made our way to the front door.

I kissed my mother goodbye on the cheek as she insisted on taking a couple of pictures of us. Cliché, I thought. She said she wanted to capture the moment and snapped the memory on her camera.


The air was warm and heavy. The condensation dripping on the car's windows. Ant was high and I was drunk. Someone had spiked the punch. I let out a deep sigh as I threw my head back, almost hitting the roof. My green satin dress lifted up to my thighs, the straps falling off my shoulders as Ant thrusted inside me.

"You like that?"

I only moaned as a response, enjoying every part of him. We didn't have much space at the back of his car but it only made our proximity even closer. I dropped my body on his, my breasts bouncing out of my dress and on his chest as we kissed. Our tongues dancing together until we both reached our orgasm. We laid in each other's arms, both catching our breaths for a few minutes before sitting our bodies straight. Our heads resting on the head support of the backseat as we locked eyes. I bite my bottom lip before speaking up.

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