Chapter 6

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As Kaoru went about his day, he couldn't shake the feeling he had that morning. Joe... His best friend, his confidant, his comfort his...? He had no idea what to think or feel beyond that. His heart was broken into pieces after slowly being chipped away at from years of a one sided infatuation when Adam swung his skateboard. He felt empty, cold, and loveless. But when he was with Kojiro, his warmth and love passed on to him.

He had no idea how his heart felt about Kojiro, but one thing was for sure: with Adam out of the way, his vision cleared and revealed something that might have been there all along.

But there was still a lingering, nagging thought in the back of his head. Perhaps he was just imagining things, or giving Kojiro's and his actions more meaning than they actually had. They had been friends for years and years, of course Kojiro would want to take care of him. That doesn't necessarily mean anything. He truly had no idea how to feel, and nearly felt sick from the conflicting mess of it all.

Then, like a clear melody in his head above all the noise and confusion, he thought of that night in Paris. With the champagne, and the Seine, and the earring.

He thought of the moment when Kojiro leaned in. How his fluffy green locks tousled gently in the breeze, how warm his hand was on his chin, and the intense pounding in his own chest. He was excited in that moment, like he had been waiting his whole life for that. Because maybe, just maybe, he was.

Just then, Carla alerted him to an incoming phone call from "Gorilla". Kaoru went to pick up his phone and smiled when he saw the contact photo: a selfie Kojiro took of them during their getaway at the hot springs. Kaoru had denied saving the photo, but secretly kept it. It made him smile, just like it did now.

He swiped to answer.

"I'm at work, don't you know that, gorilla?"

"Well, I mean, yeah but I still wanted to check in on you." Kojiro said softly.

"Well I'm quite-" he stopped. He thought through the snide remark he would have usually quipped back, and stopped himself from saying it. Kojiro had taken him home, given him his coat. He had helped him to the hospital, and always brought him dinner. He was always there for him. "I'm- well... Thank you, Kojiro."

"Uhm," Kojiro let out, stunned. "You- you're welcome. Any time, Kaoru." He waited. Silence on the other line. Was it something he said?

A few more seconds passed, and Kaoru finally spoke.

"Kojiro, can I see you tonight?"

It wasn't the reply he was expecting, but he was beyond happy to hear it. "Of course!" Kojiro exclaimed. Kaoru never asked to hang out, he usually just showed up at the restaurant or had Carla send a message. This time was different. This time was personal.

"Good, I need to... I need to give you your shirt back." Kaoru said sheepishly. "I don't really remember why you gave it to me, but thank you."

Yet another expression of gratitude. Kojiro was never thanked by Kaoru, and he didn't mind, but it felt nice to be thanked by him. Something had clearly changed in Kaoru. He wasn't snappy or perfectly eloquent now. In this moment, he was quiet, grateful, and vulnerable. He thought carefully on what he wanted to say next.

"Any time, sweetheart." He said it with sarcasm in his voice, but he truly wanted to say it with earnest. He braced for a scolding for using the pet name, but nothing came.

Kaoru only said a quiet "I'll see you tonight then, at my place."

"See you tonight."


After closing up at Sia La Luce, Kojiro skated home for a quick shower and a change of clothes. He messaged Kaoru that he was on his way and drove over. When he pulled up, the house was dark besides one light on towards the back of the house. He rapped on the door with his knuckles and eagerly waited for Kaoru to greet him at the door.

A minute passed, and Kojiro knocked again. He checked his message to make sure it went through. Read. This was odd, if Kaoru needed more time he would have told him. He knocked once more and called to him. "Hey, Kaoru, are you home?" No response. He was starting to get worried. He tried to door handle. It was unlocked. Slowly he turned the doorknob and cracked open the door, peering inside.

Dark. The one light he saw earlier was sleeping through the cracks of Kaoru's closed bedroom door. "Kaoru, you there??" He yelled.

"Ah... Ahem..."

Kojiro heard a stirring from the bedroom.

He let himself in and hurried to the back room. He opened the bedroom door a crack and felt his heart drop into his stomach.

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