Cowardly Comments

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She'll lie there

Her eyes will glide across the pixels

The pixels that have turned into letters

The letters that have turned into words

The words that have turned into sentences

The sentences

That have turned into demons

Hate filled pixels

They're spread everywhere

As if they're the new age black plague

Her eyes glide across the sentences

The sentences are simple comments

And her eyes glide

But they don't glide easy

And the comments are simple

But simple isn't so easy either

These simple comments

Most aren't aimed at her

But aimed at the ones she loves

The ones that saved her from compromising her own life

The ones that are made a joke of by others

These comments

Are judging her for loving them

These comments

Which were so thoughtlessly

So carelessly

Put down

She cries

Because they are aimed at the ones she loves

And she doesn't know

If the ones she loves

The ones that saved her from herself

Will be able to save themselves

Who is there to save them from themselves

When she is so far away from them

When they are so unreachable


Except by these words

Except by these sentences

Except by these simple comments

They fight

"It's my opinion which I can express"


Aren't always meant to be told


Should be moralistic

They don't realize

Their words

Their words are seen

But they don't care

They don't care

They hide behind the pixels

They hide behind their egos

"You're pathetic"

"I'm better than you, I don't like them"

"You're stupid for loving them"

"You're parents must hate you"

"You must be 12 years of age if you love them"


"Just kill yourself"

"Do us all a favor"

These comments though

These ones I examplified

Are only the ones aimed to her

The others

The many

Many others

Are aimed towards the ones she loves

So tell me

Who's going to be there to save the ones she loves

Will the ones she loves

Become mere memories

And will

The ones she loves


The ones she loved

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 06, 2013 ⏰

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