Chapter 3

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The highway makes traveling easier and quieter. It's a two lane highway until it gets out past the county line. I've been walking a couple of hours at least. Haven't met anyone. I'm still debating if that is a good thing or a bad thing. In the long run, that's probably a good thing.
     The road up ahead looks clear from the moonlight shining. I can see quite a way. But as I've already learned, there could be things farther up that might cause me harm or scare the hell out of me. Preferably neither one.
     Was that a glint of something reflecting or am I imagining things? I'm not tired yet. Not dehydrated as I've been drinking steadily as I've walked. There it is again. I stop and it is still lit up from the light reflecting off of it. I should wait a few seconds to see if it is moving. No, it isn't moving. I don't hear anything but the crickets. Guess I'll keep walking since crickets chirping are a sign that there isn't anything around. Or at least I hope so. I should have bought a gun. But then I would have had to practice with it and guns are so loud. I do have the multi-tool in my pack but it's small. Guess I will have to find one or three somewhere.
     I can see more things glinting in the moonlight. They look like cars. I slow up as I look at the looming shapes. They are just sitting there. The first one I come to has the trunk open. I peer inside but it's empty. As I walk around the side I can barely see inside. Maybe I can open the door. Open the door?! Here we go again with the stupid bravery. Ok just knock on the window and see what happens. That sounds like a better plan. Here we go. I knock twice and step back, listening for anything around me while watching the car. Nothing happens. I remember my flashlight, but don't get it out. Definitely don't need a beacon to me. I'm not totally clueless. Well, most days.
     I take a quick look around and then open the driver's door. Nothing falls out. What a relief. I get in and look to the passenger seat and the back seat. Nothing. Wait, what's that in the corner of the back seat. I slowly reach back and get it. It feels soft. Oh, it's a coat. It looks a little small but I decide to take it with me and so I put it in my pack. Let's try the glove compartment. Insurance card, registration, and some chewing gum. It hasn't been opened. Nice. It's the little things these days. I'll wait till I'm back on the road to pop a piece. Well onto the next vehicle.
     I get out and listen. Nothing. I leave the door open just in case. A truck sits about thirty feet ahead. I crouch down because that seems the safest way. It works in the movies so why not. I reach the back of the truck and peer into the bed. Some crushed beer cans. Nothing else. As I look at the front I see an empty gun rack in the back window. Did they leave with it? Probably. I ease up to the driver's side door. It's open about six inches. I stop when I see the leg hanging out. A leg? Great, just great. My heart decides it wants to beat out of my chest. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I slow my breathing and relax. As I stand up and reach to open the door, a twig snaps.
     I know I've just soiled myself as I lay down and slide under the truck. No other sound is heard for an eternity as I hold my breath. I'll just wait here. I don't have anywhere else to be right at the moment. Right here is a great place. Just me, myself and I. Maybe I just imagined the sound. It could have been anything.
     Just then, I hear footsteps at the back of the truck. They are coming around to the driver's side. They stop. If this is where I die please let it be quick. Don't let me suffer.
     "Are you going to stay under there all night? I can wait. But we don't want to be out at daybreak." a female voice says.
     "I was just resting," I replied.
     I hear a chuckle. But stay where I am. She must think I'm an idiot. She wouldn't walk this close if she was going to kill me, would she? Crazy people don't do that sort of thing right? I mean maybe some would. But in an apocalypse? Breathe, Daryn, just breathe. She wouldn't....
     "I'm waiting," she says, a little too harsh for my liking. "I'm not going to hurt you."
     I might as well come out. Don't think I want to be shot under a truck. "Ok, I'm coming," I tell her as I ease myself out from under the truck. She is looking right at me as I stand up. I stare at her a little too long.
     "See something you like?" she asks.
     "Um," I stammer. What can I say? Yes I do. I see a beautiful woman. But that wouldn't go over real well.
     She stares then shakes her head before she says "My name is Sherri. What's yours?"
     "My name, Daryn with a y," I answer. Why did I say that? Now she will think I'm an idiot. Wait. She is carrying a bow. I stare at it then look back at her. She's the one who saved my life. She isn't going to kill me. I smile at her. She really is beautiful. Dressed in black. Long brown hair, green eyes and a smile that is just wow. Get a hold of yourself.
     "So Daryn with a y, where are you headed? You've been moving kinda slow," she asks as she smiles.
     "Well, I don't really know. Just getting out of the city I think. It just seemed time to leave. Thank you, for earlier. The clown I mean," I stop before I can say anything else stupid.
     "Think nothing of it, Daryn. We should get moving. Unless you want to finish looking through these cars," she says.
     "Well, I was just going to look in the passenger side of this truck. See if I can find anything useful. You never know what might be left behind," I finish and turn to go to the other side of the truck.
     I open the door once I get there and a gun falls out. It looks like a 9mm. Wow those classes do come in handy. The guy is lying on the seat. Looks like he was shot in the head. I cringe before looking in the glove compartment. A couple of boxes of ammo are sitting there so I grab them and put them and the gun in my pack. Closing the door, I head back around. Before I make it around I remember I might have soiled myself. Hope she didn't see.
     "I'm just going to pop in the woods for a pee," I say but don't look at her. Oh man this is embarrassing.
     "Yeah you farted real loud before you went under the truck. You might want to check yourself," she yells and then laughs.
     Nope, today can't get anymore embarrassing. I pee then check myself. All clean. I could just continue walking into the woods. Not turn back. Just keep going. Oh who am I kidding. I'm going to follow her wherever she wants to go. I zip up and head back to Sherri. She is smiling and starts walking.

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