Chapter 1

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I just had to oversleep didn't I? Calm down, I tell myself as I smack the bed a few times in frustration. Today of all days, when I was going to leave at midnight, I had to wake up at three in the morning. At least everything is packed. That's something I guess. Breathe. Everything will be alright. Yeah right I say to myself.
     The world has been turning to crap for a few years now. I stayed for as long as I could. My stash is about gone. That was planned. I don't want to leave a house full of food and water. That would be a waste. Too many unprepared people out there. Too many idiots who didn't see it coming.
     I prepped in secret as well as I could. I didn't order anything or have anything delivered that would raise questions. Some of my neighbors are ok. Others are nosy. Good thing I have a garage. I could bring things in and hide them away without anyone knowing.
     To anyone visiting, my house would just seem like a regular bachelor pad. Not much food in the fridge. The rooms are fairly clean. You know, just the sort of place you may not want to stay long. A place that doesn't make you ask any stupid questions. My kind of place.
     Ok I'm awake. Time for breakfast and then get out of here. My stomach is growling and I can't have that while I'm trying to be stealthy on my way out of town.
     I will be walking since nothing works anymore. Maybe I should have said the EMP took care of everything. No cars, trucks or anything that would make leaving a breeze. Definitely not a bicycle even though that would make it easier in some places. A nice moving target.
     I've fed myself. I'm dressed. Now just one last look around before I grab my pack and leave. I'm from mid upstate North Carolina. The mountains are my goal. It's almost fall so it should be interesting. As long as I don't get killed. My name is Daryn, by the way. Yes I know. My last name, well, we won't go there.

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