"Thank you, Jake hyung," Sunoo said, "isn't Heeseung Hyung coming home today?"

"He won't! It seems he is meeting someone important today!" Jungwon said as he returned from the dressing room, " Sunoo hyung if you're ready, shall we go to Hybe?"

Sunoo and Jungwon left the dorm to the Hybe office. They reached the BeLift Lab Studio by 9 in the morning. The staffs were all happy, and Sunoo even had a small birthday celebration in the office with all the staff. Sunoo and Jungwon did a weverse live for his birthday. Millions of fans worldwide were watching, and they all wished him. Sunoo was so happy, and he finished his pre-recording session successfully. Everything was over by 7 in the evening, and he and Jungwon left for the dorm. Sunoo was a bit grumpy that Heeseung didn't remember his birthday and hadn't called him for the whole day, unlike other days. He would call Sunoo twice or thrice a day if they were away from each other.

Little did he know that Heeseung hadn't forgotten about his birthday. But, in fact, he went to Sunoo's hometown to accompany his family to Seoul to celebrate his birthday. Heeseung had planned this surprise for him with the help of other members. When Sunoo and Jungwon reached the dorm, everyone was inside with all the gifts and decorations. They kept silent, and when the door opened, everyone jumped 'surprise!!!!!'.

Confetti and ribbon spray were flying in the air and glitters spread across the room. Sunoo was shocked to see his parents and Sister in the room. "Happy birthday Sunoo-yah!" His dad and mom said as Sunoo's eyes teared up. He started crying and couldn't contain his happiness as he smiled while tearing up. He ran towards them in the centre of the room with open arms. His parents embraced him tightly, and his sister also joined.

Heeseung came to the living room with a beautifully decorated cake in his hands. Sunoo was so moved by Heeseung's gesture and wanted to hug him then and there. But he was shy because his parents were there too. Heeseung kept the cake on the table and asked Sunoo to wish and blow out the candles.

🎼"Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday to dear Ddoneou....

Happy birthday to you......"

Everybody sang as Sunoo blew the candles out.


The party was over, and Sunoo's parents and sister were going back home.

"Take care Ddoneou. Love you!" They left the dorm room, and all the members accompanied them to the car parking area.

After his parents left, Sunoo and Heeseung went back to their dorm.

"Aren't you guys coming?" Niki turned to the four hyungs standing behind him. Niki was about to follow Sunoo and Heeseung when someone held his collar and pulled him back. It was Jay!

"Niki, didn't you say you didn't watch Avatar 2!?" Jake asked, "I have booked tickets for the five of us!"

"We should go now!" Jungwon said, "it would start soon."

Niki looked so confused, "Right now?"

"Yeah, right now!" Jay pulled Niki even closer.

"What about Sunoo hyung and Heeseung Hyung?" Niki asked.

"They have some business to take care of!" Sunghoon eyed Jay to do something about him.

"what business?" Niki was frustrated at his hyungs for giving him half-ass answers!

Jay got serious, "You ask too many questions. Just come with us!".

Five of the boys, then called over a taxi and got on it. The cab drove off!


As soon as they entered their dorm, Heeseung walked directly into his bedroom while Sunoo started talking excitedly about the night and his family's surprise visit.

"I never had such a beautiful birthday ever!!! I thought they would have forgotten my birthday! They didn't wish me in the morning and I was really sad! And I'm really happy now. I didn't know that you were planning this for me!" Sunoo went to the kitchen and took a glass full of water to drink. "My dad was so happy. I haven't seen him this happy and I am happy that both mom and sister have made up. But you know, I was really sad and mad at you. I was very eager to see you in the morning and you were not there. I thought you would call me and wish me! But you didn't!"


Sunoo turned around and saw a shy Heeseung kneeling in front of him. Sunoo was flustered while the other extended his right hand towards him. On his palm there was a small gift box. Sunoo jumped with joy! Of all the gifts he received he was waiting for Heeseung's.

Heeseung gestured Sunoo to take a look at the gift. Sunoo with excitement put down the glass of water on the counter top and picked up the tiny box from Heeseung's hand. He then carefully opened it. It was a beautiful ring! Sunoo's eyes wide opened. He was startled for a minute and then looked at Heeseung.

"Sunooya" Heeseung got up from the floor. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked as he slowly approached Sunoo. Sunoo looked directly at Heeseung in the eye. His eyes were shining with happiness. He nodded yes! Heeseung smiled and took the ring from the box and proceeded to take Sunoo's right hand with his left. He then slowly slid the sparkling ring on Sunoo's ring finger.

"I love you, sunooya!" Heeseung said with a big smile. Sunoo couldn't believe what he just heard. Heeseung had finally said it! Sunoo's eyes were tearing up and he started crying suddenly.

"Hey, what is it my Ddoneou?" Heeseung asked as Sunoo laid his head on Heeseung's chest. Sunoo was snivelling. He put his hands around heeseung and pressed his face on the latter's sweaty body. At that moment Heeseung just wanted to protect his beloved and so he embraced Sunoo firmly. He carefully planted a deep kiss on Sunoo's forehead to which the latter smiled and curled up even deeper into Heeseung's body. Sunoo felt safe in his hyung's arms. He could smell the salt in his hyung's sweat. Finally he was back to where he belongs, his comfort zone, his home, his love.

Heeseung slowly removed his hands and held the boy's chin pulling his face up. "You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me!" He said, "I don't know what good deeds have I done, to deserve you! I still can't believe!" He slid his lazy finger through the boy's hair and rubbed through his cheeks finally reaching the curvatures of his lower lips. Sunoo let out a deep sigh, to which the elder one faintly gasped. Both of them stared deeply into each other's eyes. Sunoo's cheeks turned red and his eyes half opened, "Then make me yours, completely!"

Heeseung was a bit startled at Sunoo's unexpected request! But, truth to be told, he couldn't hold back anymore. They both shared a passionate kiss, then again and again! Their lips locked and their tongues turning and curling stimulating the undying passion within each other. Sunoo wrapped his hands around Heeseung's neck while the latter slid his hands down slowly from the boy's back to his tiny waist. Heeseung's fingers grabbed the soft skin of Sunoo's waist and then his hips. He then slowly lifted the boy up with his hands. His grip intensifying as their mouth glided together yearning for each other and accompanied by faint moaning and groaning. He slowly carried Sunoo to the bedroom and laid him gently on the bed as the door closed slowly.


Meanwhile in the theatre Niki was growing annoyed.

"Hyung, this is the second time we are watching this movie!" He said to Jay, "can't we go back to the dorm!"

"Weather you like it or not, we are ordered to spend the night anywhere but there!" Jake answered.

"By whom?" Niki sounded frustrated.

"By heeseung Hyung!" Jungwon said.

As the movie's credits rolled down, Jay got up from his seat to go outside.

"Where is he going now?" Niki asked

"To buy the tickets for the next show" Jungwon smirked.

"Again!?" Niki shouted

"Yes, again!" Jay said as he winked at the boys.


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