Lee is a bad influence

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He stood up while smirking in my direction and looked happy, he didn't suppress his happiness and walked outside while smiling in my direction.

Both of us knew that something is going on in between us, I was sure what I was feeling towards him and was sure that he feels something too, I never knew getting shot would make one so happy. I fell for the man, who said that he would never let me escape and keep me hostage, who tortured me and never trusted me. I was in love with this kind of a man and was happy about it. Something is still wrong.

What will happen next? I love him, he probably likes me but what next? Lee was gone for a while now; Clark went outside and came back in after a short while and strolled towards me.

"I thought he would go insane, but I'm glad things are going well for him." He said and sat on my bed in order to check my blood pressure.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked and stretched my arm forward and letting him do what he wants.

"You know, I told you I'm afraid he would go insane if tragedies occur every now and then in his life, he seems fine. Fine than he was with Jasmine." He said and I smiled as a happy face of Lee hit my mind.

"Yeah? What was he like?" I asked and sat straight in excitement, knowing things about Lee seemed interesting to me.

"Well, rude and egocentric. But now, I saw him waiting for you to wake up so desperately. I think, you've done something to him." I recalled how I saw him sleeping on the edge of the bed when I woke up yesterday.

"What would I possibly do to a maniac like him?" I crossed my hand and grinned on the inside; it was good to know I was reason for someone's happiness.

"You might be good for him, but he's not. He'll affect you badly and that's what I'm most afraid of." He spoke.

"That's nonsense, I'm just waiting for him to open up and things will go smoothly after that." I said with a joyful face. Lee makes me happy and in no world, he is a bad influence on me, it's not like I would go and kill somebody out of the blue.

Even though, I desired to meet that man in person who wanted to kill Lee, what if I wasn't there, something terrible might've happened. But is it so easy to kill the mafia, the security is that weak?

"You know, I went outside and passed by Lee's room and guess what I saw?" he said and I never knew he was interested in gossiping but when it's Lee, I'm always ready to listen.

"Yeah? So, what happened?" I said with light in my eyes filled with eagerness.

"I saw him, throwing his clothes here and there. He would wear something and change into another and was talking to mirror as if he was criticizing himself." He said, and the thought of Lee acting the same hit my head.

Both of us started laughing at the vulnerable poor little Lee, who seemed so tough on the inside but was behaving like a girl going on her date.

"Who made him the mafia?" I said and we busted in laughter, it hard for us to control ourselves and my stomach started aching but couldn't stop smiling.

I was so busy as I couldn't realize, furious Lee was strolling in our direction and I panicked as he looked serious, he didn't take another second and picked me up in his arms. We walked down the corridor, he walked to be more precise as I was in his arms and felt heat reaching towards my cheeks as we passed by the guards, they were amused and continued staring at me and I only felt embarrassed.

I felt my heart tickling in his arms and I grabbed his collar, I didn't think about the consequences of what might happen but saw Lee was holding himself back, was he not turned on by me anymore? Maybe, he knew I felt something for him and he lost interest in me instantly.

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