His moan was so sexy, that I wanted to hear it continuously, without giving it a thought I sucked his nipples and could see him going insane. He was making me crave for his body, for every movement he did, I wanted to fuck him harder.

I explored his mouth with my tongue and felt his hands touching the lining of my boxers. I got so turned on, that my speed was increased and we both were panting loudly.

He broke the kiss in order to breathe, the voice he was making felt seductive and I was losing myself in his scent. I licked his cheeks and a grin passed through my lips.

"What are you looking at?" He said as I couldn't take my eyes off of him, his bare chest gave me weird sensations and I wanted to squeeze every inch of his body. He made me so horny just by his shining eyes.

"You... your chest... your lips... your dic--" I said and he stopped me by putting his finger on my lips.

He was blushing, as he tried to hide his face by covering it with his hands. I didn't let him, he was so fucking cute, how come I never saw this side of him.

I kissed him on his shoulder and kept on moving downwards until my lips touched his belly, he had toned abs, the figure every model wanted. I kissed him all over tickling him, he was laughing and tried to stop me, but he never had ten percent of the strength I had, poor guy.

We were both shirtless, kissing each other without letting the air pass between us. Our body touched mixing our sweat, the scent of his body made my mind blank and I gritted my teeth in lust. I let out a huge sigh before getting off from bed to take my pants off.

He sat on the foot of the bed and I was standing right in front of him. My hands touched the button of my pants and he quickly rolled us around. I didn't understand why he did so, I didn't have the time to think about it as I heard a gunshot.

Jordan rolled us down as he saw someone aiming at me, and took the bullet. His body fell in my arms and I saw blood trickling down from his back.

I looked up and saw a skinny man, shrouded in cover. He tried to shoot in my direction but ran as he heard the bodyguards running in his direction.

"Catch that bastard!!!!!!!!" I shouted as tears rolled down my eyes.

Everyone ran after him; Jordan was in my arms and looked at me with a smile. He saved my life; I always tortured him and made his life miserable but he put himself in danger to save me.

"Lee...." He tried to speak, but I stopped him immediately.

"Doc..... Clark... send someone for help..." I shouted as I saw his bare back was covered with blood.

"You're going to be okay! Just hang in there." I said trying to look strong, but was completely broken inside. How much more do I have to suffer, isn't it enough already.

I soon heard several gun shots as if someone had attacked on us. I couldn't care less as Jordan was in my arms on the verge of dying. He was slowly closing his eyes; I tapped his face from avoiding him to sleep.

"No... no... Jordan, don't close your eyes... Jordannnnnnn...."


I was angry and furious as I heard Cole talking about killing Jasmine, she was dead. I couldn't breathe properly, because I didn't know what decision I had to make. Cole had done something which a bodyguard should do. But it was not his decision to make, was it?

I should confront him directly; my Jasmine was dead. This was too much for me to take, Jasmine being a traitor, Cole killing her and framing Jordan for that. Jordan was innocent and I tortured him without knowing the truth.

"I knew, you were the one. I was certain about the fact that you didn't kill Mr. Mathew but killed Jasmine. I almost died because of you, so don't you ever think high of yourself. I fucking lost my life because of you. Lee will know the truth eventually and that will be your doom." I heard Jordan speaking and chains rattling as if he was trying to resist the chains.

Poor guy had to go through a lot, just because I blamed him without giving it a thought. How much more can my mind handle. I'm about to go insane, Jasmine didn't love me, but played with my emotions. She blackmailed dad and took money from him. Cole killed her without letting me know, or giving me the choice to handle it on my own. Was dad in the know? Cole and dad must've planned it together. Which matter should I focus on first? Can't I just fucking kill everybody and end it all in a second. Why are you testing me?

"We would've lost everything if I hadn't killed her. I know it's wrong as I didn't talk to Lee about it first, but he would've forgiven her." I heard Cole speaking, I would've definitely punished her for this, you didn't have to kill her.

"She was her fucking fiancé, who gave you the right to take decision, the poor guy was in pain but you were selfish to think properly." Jordan shouted, I was simple hearing everything he talked about, my hands felt numb and I couldn't move them, I was going insane with anger and pain.

"I would gladly take the punishment, but it was my duty to eliminate the threat roaming over the Tennyson's." Cole said, but I was short of words. I was still on that very corner under my table not able to move.

"And what about my freedom? Don't you think I suffered the most?" Jordan spoke.

"Do I care about a no one like you, Lee is all that matters." Cole said, without hesitating.
Maybe I'm not good enough to be the leader, maybe I'm too broke to guide everyone, I had every right to question my existence and become extinct.

How Jordan pleaded every time I hit him, he was innocent like he always said, what was I possibly thinking, when I questioned a mere designer.

Cole set him up and I was too foolish to reconsider things, how come I never understood why no one had filed a report or something as Jordan went missing.

Jasmine was cheating on me, she was with me for my money, I lost my dad because of this foolishness. Do I even have the right to live and rule like nothing ever happened.

Who am I to blame Cole and Jasmine, when I myself was a dolt all my life. I should've died instead; I didn't have to go through things like this.

"Just stop it, stop it. I....... never thought that my own clan would do this to me. My............ uh! My whole existence is a shame, that I couldn't realize....... I was keeping a serpent in bosom. Not only you, Cole... but Jasmine too. And, Jordan...." I found the courage to stand up and finally spoke.

I was looking at Jordan, just staring in his eyes but couldn't find anything other than pain. I didn't have the power to look into Cole's eyes, so I ignored him. I, for some reason felt bad for the horrible things I've done to him.

I wanted to free him, but some part of me wanted to keep him by my side, I chose the latter one and moved out of the room. Cole was peering down on the floor in terror, but I was too weak to deal with him.

"You.... Stay here." I said to both of them, and walked towards the exit.

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