Canto IX - Yet they Follow

Start from the beginning

You can't go further than this

They gently held him close, their skeletal limbs belting the boy's body as they essentially climbed onto his back, much for the other confusion. After the initial wave of doubt, Gabriele could feel a new lymph running through his system, reinvigorating power now back at his service as flames came to life. Still, his worries weren't quenched, they understood what it was that blocked him. They wrapped their arms tighter around his neck, chin laid on his shoulder blade and silky hair pressing on his cheek. Gabriele turned his forearms around, his gaze switching focus between the fire and the entity on his back, this energy, somehow, felt different. This wasn't theirs...


All the thoughts came to a full stop in a matter of seconds, even the exorcist's face completely changed, retorting into the trained, warrior-like look of who was out for blood. He dashed through the door swiftly like an arrow, the entity's long raven hair flowing in the air as he ran in the school's narrow corridors. Even as the young man's mind was momentarily sedated, the spirit couldn't help but tense their embrace around his body, they were heading towards an unknown danger, which didn't put their own mind at ease. They buried their nose in the crook of his neck, not knowing if it was of more comfort to him who was going down a flight of stairs towards the enemy, or to themselves, who only cared for his safety.

And yet they follow, for they are united as one, and as one they will venture through joy and grief. Together.


Gojou swirled in mid-air, his senses luring him to focus his attention on the school building far away. An unknown force made its presence in the grounds behind him for a few seconds before subsiding till it was gone just as abruptly as it came, vaguely familiar if he must say so himself. Yep, it was the same as last night...

"Took you long enough, pretty boy." He giggled to himself, it was damn time he let go of any mental constriction he had put himself through, now getting a new measurement of what he was capable of. Sure, who would have imagined? An exorcist paired with a cursed spirit, and he thought with Itadori he had seen it all. The Sorcerer swung back into place on top of the black dome, breaking the curtain was now priority number one, he discerned three threats right before the veil descended completely upon his students, one of which was one of the special grades who attacked him and Yuuji that night, at least that was what the exorcist told him as he went on his way. Speaking of Yuuji, he wondered how he was faring down there...

Toudou slapped Itadori across the face in a reprimanding manner, taking the Special grade they were fighting by surprise watching from afar as the two seemingly fought each other.

"Anger is an important trigger for sorcerers." The third-year began, "Sometimes they can be taken down purely because they accidentally angered their foe. But the opposite is also true: sometimes they lose because their own anger disrupts their cursed energy, so they can't exercise their abilities."

Itadori, yet shaken by the sudden serious attitude Toudou was sporting, stood silent to listen to the older and more experienced senior.

"Your friend has been wounded, and worse yet, they've rained down on your honeymoon with me, your best friend, so I can really understand why you'd be boiling with rage, but that's too much for you now." Another slap connected, this time Yuuji's right cheek. If at first, his mind was comparable

to a storm, now it matched the calmness of the open sea.

"Are those stray thoughts gone now?" He then asked.

"Yeah, not a single one left. Thank you so much, best friend." Itadori replied with full confidence as he walked back into the river under both Toudou and Hanami's close scrutiny. The moment he raised his guard, the curse noticed the deep state of concentration the human has put himself in, coming to the point of salivating down on his chin. Alerted by this, Hanami too brought his guard up, feeling the dangerous shift in the atmosphere.

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