Canto XV - Winds of Change

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"We know the weather conditions are far from optimal for travel, Esposito-kun. However, the current circumstances require if not obligate your presence back at Tokyo Jujutsu High as soon as possible." Ijichi's formal voice informed the exorcist on speakerphone, Utahime was there to act as a mediator for the mute young man in what would otherwise be an awfully one-sided conversation. The scarred woman glanced at him, his deadpan face, his stare absent and hung low as if disconnected from reality, deep inside with the hidden voices of his thoughts. He was rather dull this morning, to put it simply. Her hopes were that he didn't feel guilty about Kokichi, they both knew there was nothing they could have done last night to prevent this. She should have seen this sooner, if it was anyone's fault, that was hers.

After three seconds he raised his chin as if a machine was finally booting up its system. A message flew through her mind followed by an expecting glance. "He asks if there are any more details about this sudden convocation." Iori communicated to the assistant at the other end of the call.

"I'm afraid that's all there is for now. The nature of the meeting has been concealed from anyone but the Principal and the higher-ups, I've only been tasked to inform you. Do you have any other questions?" Gabriele shook his head.

"Everything's clear, Kiyotaka, thank you."

"A colleague of mine should retrieve you
shortly to accompany you to the station. In the meantime, Utahime-san, may I speak to you in private?" The exorcist gestured at the woman, pointing his thumb over his shoulder to signal he was leaving, almost walking away before she could permit him. Today he was more distracted than usual, all his thoughts seemed to concentrate only on what happened hours ago. That nightmare, it was months he didn't experience this kind of dream. Each time was a different one, but they shared the same reoccurrences and always ended with an abrupt awakening in sleep paralysis. So much had passed since the last time he was completely caught off guard by the fear-inducing state. He hated it, no matter how physically strong he grew, his mind constantly managed to bring him down to his knees, to find cracks in his psyche and slowly erode until it snaps part to part.


'Where the hell have you been?!' He responded, somewhat irritated.

Now is not the moment, someone's ahead

Gabrieleq raised his chin, and his eyes fell on a young adult with the same attire as Ijichi, standing near the entrance talking to herself, rather annoyed by the constant rain.

"I can't believe they sent me out in this crappy weather. Shoot, the suit is completely drenched." The blonde woman watched in concern as water dripped out of the sleeve of her shirt and kept on rambling about deserving some days off. It came to an end once she realized someone was there with her in the corridor. Most importantly, the one person she was looking for. She quickly composed herself before greeting him with a bow: "G-good morning, I'm Akari Nitta, auxiliary manager at Tokyo Jujutsu High. I've been tasked by Kiyotaka with escorting you back to the school, so if there isn't anything you have left to do here we can take our lea-"

"Are you ding-ding girl?" Gabriele interrupted her, his expression transitioning from gloomy to mildly amused.

"Yes, I am ding-ding... wait what?"

"Nobara and Yuuji told me about you. They weren't joking when they said you looked like a golden retriever recently turned human." He explained as his imagination ran wild, now dog ears popped on top of her head right when she cocked it to the side confused. God almighty she isn't doing anything to deny the allegations.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Akari barked, "Sigh... Anyway, we have roughly thirty minutes to get to the station, just tell me whenever you're ready to go."

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