Canto VI - Counternature

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A modern bullet is made principally of four distinct components: the case, usually in brass or copper, contains all the other parts inside of it; the gunpowder, a chemical mixture that converts to an expanding gas when ignited; the primer, the "fuse" of the bullet and the actual projectile.
The bullet has evolved alongside the rifles which eject it, passing from being a small sphere of iron shoved inside a barrel with a stick to being packed inside mags by thirty. Together they had brought war to a new level of gruesome horrors, whoever crossed their path was granted a swift death without even knowing where it came from the majority of the time.

Although it has lost its edge in favor of more precise and destructive weaponry, the bullet has written some of history's bloodiest yet glorious pages and the gun still was the best tool for self-defense that an ordinary citizen could afford to wield.

Mai found an immediate connection the first time she was handed her revolver. As her fingers curled up in its handle and adjusted to the weight of the firearm, the girl was satisfied by it. Quick, almost effortless, but most of all, efficient. Paired with her ability to create a bullet out of cursed energy, it was the weapon for her. Ideal to swiftly dispose of cursed spirits from the safety of distance, not a single drop of dirty blood shall ever come close to her.

Then how? How did she catch the projectile with her bare hands?

She sat under the tree's shadow, her sister disappeared into the endless maze of the woods after she eliminated her from the game. Mai was by herself, her knees held close to her chest as she mulled over the fight. It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair at all. Yet, she was the one who lost complete control of her life, the "normal" twin as the clan labeled her. She hated them, and she hated Maki and her arrogance.

Dry leaves crunched not too far from her, Mai looked up to see nothing changed around, she was alone and her revolver was still a few paces away. She put her head back to her knees, even if it was a hostile curse ready to jump her, the gun was just as useless as her hand-to-hand combat skills without ammunition. She heard the thing get closer, strangely enough, Mai felt at peace where she should be terrified, not feeling the usual dread that cursed spirits bring after.  She glimpsed through a gap between her legs once again, this time a person was staring inches away from her face.

Mai backed off startled, hitting the hard wood with the back of her head.

"You scared me to death, you idiot!" She shouted at them, glaring at the stranger as she massaged the sore spot. At that moment, dark green eyes gazed into the turquoise eyes of a slightly worried exorcist. Once she recognized the foreigner, Mai broke the eye contact with a certain embarrassment.

"What are you doing here? Have you come to mock me?" The girl said.

Gabriele crouched down to her eye level, the revolver was in his right hand with the middle finger hooked around the trigger guard as he made it swing back and forth. "I was scouting around this area on the teachers' behalf to take care of a small nuisance." He told her a white lie, not wanting panic to spread among the students.

"I heard gunshots from far away, so I flew here to check."  The exorcist looked at his surroundings, the first-grade curse wasn't too distant, he had feared for the worst when he heeded the firearm going off.

Mai gazed at him in confusion, in her mind sounded a voice but his lips weren't moving ever so slightly. She found herself bothered by the lack of mobility, not even a trace of life except for those minuscule tugs that you would easily miss if you weren't paying attention. Gabriele snapped his fingers twice, bringing the girl down to earth with him. At that moment, Mai became aware of what she was doing, she had zoned out for who knows how long while she gawked at his mouth. Not only that, but to her horror, he was aware too.

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