Chapter thirty-nine

Start from the beginning

After spending a few hours talking with Max and Kelly, I decided to leave. Daniel had offered me to stay at his apartment until I found a solution, also because he's leaving for Australia in a few days. So this was a good opportunity. I said my goodbyes to Kelly and Max and then drove towards Daniel's apartment.

"Hey Livia," Daniel said and pulled me into a big hug. "Hey Danny" I said and hugged him back, the best hugs come from him! We got inside and I had taken my bags with me to the apartment, I took a lot.

"Alright I had this idea" Daniel said while he was starting to make some food for us, we both were kinda hungry. "What is it?" I said. "So, you know it's only if you want to.. but you need a break from everything, and I wanna be there for you so why don't you come with me to Australia?" He asked and smashed out the eggs on the pan. I thought about it for a little while. "Plus my family would love to see you again!" He said before I could answer..

"I'll do it, I'm in" I said and his smile turned into an even bigger smile. "Yes! This was easier than expected!" He laughed which he made me do as well. "I could use some time away from here, and I love your family so why not!" I said and walked over to hug him.
"I love you Danny, thanks for doing this for me" I said and smiled. "Anything for my Livia, I love you too" he said smiling. I love him so much, he's like my 8 year older big brother that I never got.

The day went by fast. Daniel got me to laugh a lot, which was needed for sure. He always makes me laugh.
We watched movies, only comedy movies because I couldn't handle a good old romance movie that we usually watch, not after breaking up with Charles today. So a comedy movie it was, and it was funny as heck. We laughed just about the entire movie through.

It was a few days later and it was time to leave for Australia. I had been at Charles' apartment real quick while he wasn't home. I collected a few more things plus some things I needed for Australia. Got packed up and drove towards the airport with Daniel.

We got into the first airplane, and walked to first class that had luxury seats with big screens, comfy seats and lots of space. The first flight went awesome, there was no turbulence at all, and I just watched a few episodes of Keeping up with the kardashians, it was alright. We ate some delicious food, slept a little and just talked since we of course sat next to each other.
Then after six hours we arrived in Dubai, where we had our first and only layover.

"Should we grab some snacks?" Daniel asked as we were walking around in the airport, we had about an hour still until the next flight was departing. "Yes, no flights without snacks" I laughed and he agreed. Snacks are simply a must, otherwise it's really boring, also because the snacks on board are not the best, the food is amazing in first class but the snacks sucks.
We walked to the shop and purchased a lot of snacks, which was mostly candy to be honest, it was sour candy because it's literally the best ever!.

"Ehm Danny, maybe we had enough now?" I said and laughed, as he kept taking more candy from the shelves. "Oh yeah, you are probably right," he laughed. We paid for our things and walked to our gate, to wait until we could board. We still had about half an hour until boarding time. So I just answered a few mails while waiting, as it was a great opportunity to get it done. "Omg Daniel, can I get a photo!" a teenage boy walked over to him, and asked. "Of course!" Daniel said with a big smile. "Here, let me take it" I said and got up from my seat as well. "Omg Olivia! thanks' ' he said and smiled, he probably didn't recognize me at first since I had my face deep down in my computer.
I smiled big as he handed his phone to me, I took a lot of them and they turned out pretty good. "Ehm, Daniel? Can you maybe take a picture with me and Olivia, if it's fine with you olivia?" he asked shy. "Oh yes, sure. Smile!" Daniel said and pointed the phone's camera at us. I had my arm around him and he had his around me, and then we smiled. He was such a sweet boy.. "Thanks guys! Please say hi to Charles and Max for me, I'm such a big fan" he said as he was about to walk away. "I will, take care" I said and sat down again. Sure I will, I can say hi to Max, even though he doesn't know him..

After a short while it was time to board the second airplane, which was just as comfy as the first one. This flight is just about eleven hours long, I really need some sleep here. And maybe to get some work done, since we're gonna buy wifi on the plane..

After eleven long hours we had landed in Perth, Australia. We got our luggage and walked directly towards a car Daniel had waiting for him.

"This is so weird, I will never get used to this!" I said as we started to drive away from the airport. "What?" He asked. "You are driving on the wrong side of the road!" I laughed, which he did too. We then listened to music the whole way to his parents ranch farm. The drive wasn't that bad, it only took about forty-five minutes.

When we got to his parents we were greeted with big hugs and lots of love, they were so excited to see me again. And I was also excited to see them. They always say I'm like their little extra daughter because of Daniel and mine's friendship. It's so cute! I love them.

We catched up for a long time, while his dad Joe grilled some food on the grill. It was delicious! We stayed outside on the patio for hours talking, having fun and then we had a few drinks which were lovely. The weather in Australia is amazing, it was about 30 degrees in the daytime, and about 25 ish in the afternoon. Which is a lot, thinking it's January right now. I love it.

We didn't do much that day, because we were so exhausted after the long day of traveling. We had been traveling for about 19 hours, which was a lot.
So we got to bed early, and then were ready for a new day tomorrow, where we are going to the beach, and enjoy our time here.
(2734 words)

I hope you liked the chapter. Sorry that I haven't uploaded a new chapter in over a week, but I have just been a bit busy. But I'll write more whenever I can. Lots of love from me 🤍

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